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English Basic Block 3

Precio 95 € - Cursos de especialización, OnLine de 23 horas - Titulación Emitida por el centro - Bolsa de empleo Propia del centro - Promoción: Facilidades de pago
Justificación/Descripción del curso:

Block 3 is for those people who want to learn more complex verb tenses in English, such as the past, or else the present continuous, comparing it with the present simple. They will also learn to make comparisons between things and places. Regarding vocabulary, they will learn how to say the parts of the house in English, the months of the year, the clothes, the ordinal numbers, and also how to write dates in English. -- TRANSLATED-- El bloque 3 es para aquellos que quieran aprender tiempos verbales más complejos en inglés, como el pasado, o bien el presente continuo, comparándolo con el presente simple. También aprenderán a hacer comparaciones entre cosas y lugares. En lo que se refiere al vocabulario, aprenderán a decir las partes de la casa en inglés, los meses del año, la ropa, los números ordinales, y también cómo escribir fechas en inglés.

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Temario cubierto por el curso:

English Basic Block 3
Block 3 is for those people who want to learn more complex verb tenses in English, such as the past, or else the present continuous, comparing it with the present simple. They will also learn to make comparisons between things and places. Regarding vocabulary, they will learn how to say the parts of the house in English, the months of the year, the clothes, the ordinal numbers, and also how to write dates in English. -- TRANSLATED-- El bloque 3 es para aquellos que quieran aprender tiempos verbales más complejos en inglés, como el pasado, o bien el presente continuo, comparándolo con el presente simple. También aprenderán a hacer comparaciones entre cosas y lugares. En lo que se refiere al vocabulario, aprenderán a decir las partes de la casa en inglés, los meses del año, la ropa, los números ordinales, y también cómo escribir fechas en inglés.
1. What a mess!! There was a party Part 1
Functions: Personal descriptions in the past. Expressing location in the past. Asking for quantities. Grammar: Verb To Be in the past. There was/ there were. How much/ how many. Vocabulary: Parts of the house. Furniture. Months.
2. What a mess!! There was a party Part 2
Functions: Personal descriptions in the past. Expressing location in the past. Asking for quantities. Grammar: Verb To Be in the past. There was/ there were. How much/ how many. Vocabulary: Parts of the house. Furniture. Months.
3. What a mess!! There was a party Part 3
Functions: Personal descriptions in the past. Expressing location in the past. Asking for quantities. Grammar: Verb To Be in the past. There was/ there were. How much/ how many. Vocabulary: Parts of the house. Furniture. Months.
4. Shopping clothes Part 1
Functions: Talking about the past. Comparing things and places. Grammar: Simple past (regular verbs). Comparative adjectives. Object pronouns. Vocabulary: More clothes. Buying clothes vocabulary: size, to try on, to cost, etc.
5. Shopping clothes Part 2
Functions: Talking about the past. Comparing things and places. Grammar: Simple past (regular verbs). Comparative adjectives. Object pronouns. Vocabulary: More clothes. Buying clothes vocabulary: size, to try on, to cost, etc.
6. Shopping clothes Part 3
Functions: Talking about the past. Comparing things and places. Grammar: Simple past (regular verbs). Comparative adjectives. Object pronouns. Vocabulary: More clothes. Buying clothes vocabulary: size, to try on, to cost, etc.
7. Megan´s mother Part 1
Functions: Asking about the past. Telling stories. Comparing things and places. Expressing order. Grammar: Simple past (irregular verbs). Simple past: negative forms. Simple past: questions. Comparative form with long adjectives. By + transport. Vocabulary: Seasons. Means of transport. Ordinal numbers.
8. Megan´s mother Part 2
Functions: Asking about the past. Telling stories. Comparing things and places. Expressing order. Grammar: Simple past (irregular verbs). Simple past: negative forms. Simple past: questions. Comparative form with long adjectives. By + transport. Vocabulary: Seasons. Means of transport. Ordinal numbers.
9. Megan´s mother Part 3
Functions: Asking about the past. Telling stories. Comparing things and places. Expressing order. Grammar: Simple past (irregular verbs). Simple past: negative forms. Simple past: questions. Comparative form with long adjectives. By + transport. Vocabulary: Seasons. Means of transport. Ordinal numbers.
10. Going back to England Part 1
Functions: Expressing actions happening at the moment. Grammar: Present continuous. Present continuous vs. Present simple. To be going to. Some / any. Vocabulary: Have + shower, dinner, etc. Activities.
11. Going back to England Part 2
Functions: Expressing actions happening at the moment. Grammar: Present continuous. Present continuous vs. Present simple. To be going to. Some / any. Vocabulary: Have + shower, dinner, etc. Activities.
12. Going back to England Part 3
Functions: Expressing actions happening at the moment. Grammar: Present continuous. Present continuous vs. Present simple. To be going to. Some / any. Vocabulary: Have + shower, dinner, etc. Activities.
13. At the fair. The fortune teller Part 1
Functions: Expressing habitual and current actions. Expressing intention. Grammar: Present continuous vs. Present simple. To be going to. Vocabulary: Dates. Get + married, dressed, etc. Vocabulary review.
14. At the fair. The fortune teller Part 2
Functions: Expressing habitual and current actions. Expressing intention. Grammar: Present continuous vs. Present simple. To be going to. Vocabulary: Dates. Get + married, dressed, etc. Vocabulary review.
15. At the fair. The fortune teller Part 3
Functions: Expressing habitual and current actions. Expressing intention. Grammar: Present continuous vs. Present simple. To be going to. Vocabulary: Dates. Get + married, dressed, etc. Vocabulary review.
16. Returning to Work Part 1
This lesson provides a choice of revision or extension activities.
17. Returning to Work Part 2
This lesson provides a choice of revision or extension activities.

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El curso English Basic Block 3 está en nuestro Buscador de Cursos y Masters desde el 27/03/2009.

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