Master in Business Communication
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Masters y Postgrados,
Sedes de realización del curso: Barcelona
INICIO: 20/10/14
FIN: 20/07/15
HORARIO: Lunes a jueves de 19:00 a 22:00
PRECIO: 7400 (1200 + 6200)
- To give a formation based in the following areas: Marketing, Publicity, Public Relations, Business and new communication technologies.
- To approach the student to the reality of the professional work through remunerated junior jobs in companies.
- To develop the analysis abilities, working in a team and taking decisions with the purpose of offering to the Communications area professionals with initiatives that they are able to assume with success the management responsibility.
+ The methodology is based in an active learning and continuous practises. The efficient and good training it is the result of good relationship among the students and an adequate work
+ The teacher's team is formed by professionals in active inside the communications area.
No descritos.
Publicity Administration
To obtain a deep vision of the communication area in Spain and overseas.
To know the aspects relationed on the administration from two different points of view: agency / advertiser.
Negotiation Technologies
To apply the negotiations technologies as an added value. To prepare negotiations process. The negotiation applied to the communication administration.
Communication strategies. Negotiation practise cases applied to different areas: mass, industrial and services.
Communication Plan
Organization of the communication in the company:
Communication Manager, Press manager, Press office, internal and external administration.
Of the business communication. Definition of the skills to prepare a communication plan. The relations with the Media, press campaigns and image plans. Skills to transmit information. Plans of internal communications. The communication in crisis situations. The communication with special contents: Business communication, communication in different areas: tourism communication (NGOS) develop of a communication plan.
Strategic Planning to Manage Accounts
Knowledge and domain in order to manage strategical skills to allow complete planning for any customers, in other words, knowledge and ability of the planner. End user and market analysis. Qualitative and quantitative analysis of the communication. Trade mark strategy. Management of the accounts. Strategic process. Techniques to present publicity campaigns to customer. Practise cases.
Marketing Strategies
Main concepts in Marketing. Costumer Behaviour and concepts organizations. Market environment and information systems, marketing strategies, marketing plan: Steps and development of a marketing plan evolution and new tendencies in marketing to apply the new technologies. Practise cases.
Internet world. Influence of internet in the enterpriser and the marketing area. E-Marketing Strategies. Marketing one to one. Permission Marketing. Programmes of Fidelity. Alliances. Internet as a publicity channel. Measurer of T.V. Audiences In Internet (OJD, NIELSEN; RED SHERIFF) Publicity professional in Internet.
Publicity ways in the net: Forms, rates, localizations, effectiveness.
Creativity Management
Innovation and creativity in the companies.
The creative revolution in the publicity in Spain. The evolution of the creativity in different aspects.
Campaigns for the children audience. The comparative publicity. The publicity in politics.
How the most important journalists in the world work. Analysis of the main sports in the publicity contents. Development of creativity campaigns (team groups)
Web Desing
Knowledge of the main computing skills and applications for the web deign: Dreamweave. Flash.
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El curso Master in Business Communication está en nuestro Buscador de Cursos y Masters desde el 29/01/2009.
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