Elaboración Of Projects of Installations of Thermal Solar Energy
395 € -
Cursos de especialización,
OnLine de 130 horas - Titulación Emitida por el centro - Promoción: Facilidades de pago
The aim of the course is to form specialists in the practical applications of the thermal solar energy .
The course, conceived to can be studied of form totally autonomous, is focused mainly to the professional practice, splitting of some previous technical knowledges basic.
The necessary level stop can assimilate it is not high, pues even people that so only have completed a bachillerato technical or a technical training-professional of level two, can, without main difficulties, acometer his study with aprovechamiento, this does not indicate that the course remain in the basic appearances, pues and can observe in the temario treaty deepen in all the appearances, technical, economic and legal of this type of installations to facilitate the profesionalizacióno and independence of the professionals of any level.
Once surpassed the course with aprovechamiento, the student will find technically capacitado to design, calculate, presupuestar and direct the installation of systems of thermal solar energy.
Taking into account the expectaculares forecasts of growth of this type of installations of thermal solar energy the demand of qualified technicians will be very important in the next years.
Once finalizado the course will be prepared to devote you to a new profession with enormous possibilities of growth since it answers to the needs of the current world to have of sources of clean energy and besides the so much Spanish Administrations and European have taken good note of this estableciendola forcing of this type of installations in all the edificaciones new.
Treat , pues, of a technical course and fundamentally practical, with which the student will learn to:
Design and dimensionar with security an installation of Thermal solar energy so much isolated like connected to Network knowing and knowing interconectar each one of his components
Dominate the applicable legislation to this type of installations
Know the economic advantages of this renewable source of energy and realize the necessary calculations of rentabilidad that allow us explain to the client the suitability to realize the installation
Have of personal tools of research that allow to find employment in the companies more punteras of the sector, locate possible suppliers of teams and thermal devices and even offer his own services of montaje and maintenance of thermal solar installations.
Know how be permanently informed of the novelties of the sector resorting to bibliographic sources of maximum credibility.
Know the computer programs leaders of the market in subject of design and simulación of thermal installations.
Course directed to Technical and Upper Engineers, to titled of F.P. Of technical branches like electricity, electronic or automation and of generic form to all that that wish to enter professionally in the sector of the solar energy.
Didactic Unit 1.- Introduction
Problematic environmental and paper of the renewable energies
Types of aprovechamiento of the solar energy
History and current situation of the solar energy in Spain
Energetic and solar geometry
direct Radiation and difusa: devices of measure
Subsystems of a thermal solar installation complete
Principles of aprovechamiento of the thermal solar energy
Didactic Unit 2.- The captador solar thermal
Captador of flat plate: components and operation
Captador of tubes of empty: characteristic and principle of work
Captador of polipropileno: properties and usual uses
Captadores solar thermal additional in the market
Perfilería of sujeción and devices of anclaje
The fluent caloportador
Didactic Unit 3.- Additional components and design of the primary circuit
System of accumulation of hot water
Group of hydraulic pumping
System of thermal exchange
Drivings and aislamiento thermal
System of regulación: controller, sensors and actuators
Solutions to the management of the stagnation
Traced of the field of captadores: criteria of design
Devices annexes
Didactic Unit 4.- Specific components of the secondary circuits and of consumption
typical Systems of contribute energetic auxiliary
energetic Integration with other technologies of generation of heat
additional Components
solar Production of ACS: types of installations
Didactic Unit 5. Additional applications of the thermal solar energy
energetic Support to heating: types of emisores
Climatización of swimming pools
industrial Applications of the thermal solar energy
Refrescamiento solar
Integration in big climatizadores
Didactic Unit 6. Telegestión And systems antirrobo in solar installations
Utility of the monitorización remote of installations
Levels of control and supervision
Devices constitutivos of the existent solutions
Systems antirrobo and coverage of insurances
Didactic Unit 7. Future lines of I+D in thermal solar energy
New developments of captadores solar thermal
Improvements in the systems of regulación: logical difusa
Analysis exergéticos and optimización of solar installations
Didactic Unit 8. Bibliography, pages web and technical magazines of interest
Bibliography associated to solar energy
Pages web of relative interest to solar energy
technical Magazines of the sector
Didactic Unit 1.- Generic criteria for the dimensioning of thermal solar installations
Orientation and inclination of the captadores solar thermal
Calculation of efforts and dimensionado of the perfilería of anclaje
Calculation of shadows
Selection of electrocirculadores
Balanced hydraulic of the primary circuit
Dimensionado of pipes and aislamientos thermal
Didactic Unit 2.- Dimensioning of installations for production of ACS
Leaf of energetic needs
Explanation detailed of the method F-CHART for ACS
Introduction to the algorithms of simulación by numerical methods
Didactic Unit 3.- Dimensioning of installations for support to heating
Calculation of thermal loads
Explanation detailed of the method F-CHART for heating
Didactic Unit 4.- Dimensioning of installations for support to heating
Analysis of needs in swimming pools covered and discovered
Algorithm of calculation for climatización of swimming pools
Didactic Unit 5.- Parts constitutivas of the project of engineering
Need and importance of the project: calculation and previous design
Memory descriptiva, calculations justificativos, planning temporal of the project and study of environmental impact
Flat of basic engineering and of detail
Fold of conditions
Study of economic feasibility-financial
Didactic Unit 6.- Study of security and health
Objective and scope of the study
general Data of prevention
Data of the work
Norms of security during the realization of works
Analysis and evaluation of risks
Didactic Unit 7.- Computer tools of calculation, design and simulación
T-SUN 4.3
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El curso Elaboración Of Projects of Installations of Thermal Solar Energy está en nuestro Buscador de Cursos y Masters desde el 21/08/2009.
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