Máster In Quality and Means Ambiente
1295 € -
Cursos de especialización,
OnLine de 670 horas - Titulación Emitida por el centro - Promoción: Facilidades de pago
ACEDIS Training launches this Master in Quality and Half Ambiente putting to the extent of the student the Methodology ACEDIS that so good results has reflected along our experience like Centre of training on-line, this Master has been elaborated by more of 20 Consultores of Quality and Medioambiente especialidados in all the areas of the bouquet, achieving like this aunar a methodology contrasted with the best practical knowledges and theoretical.
The student that finalice the course with aprovechamiento, will obtain the Diploma that accredits him like Consultor in Quality and Half Ambiente like this like Internal Auditor of Systems of Quality under the Norm ISO 9001 and of Systems of Environmental Management under the Norm ISO 14001.
To the finalizar the course, the student will be capacitado stop:
1.- Responsabilizarse Of the design, implantation and maintenance of the System of Quality in the company like this as to act of external aide and encaminar to the cumplimiento of the norms ISO to obtain the timely certifications.
2.- Commission of the Environmental Management in the company and asesorar externamente on the implantation of systems of Environmental Management in search of the certifications of cumplimiento of the norms ISO.
3.- Realize Audits of Quality and Half AMbiente that avalen the cumplimiento of the norms Corresponding ISO.
This Master does not require Titulación University
Is directed to professional of the business management like this as to any person that wish teer a deep knowledge of the Systems of Management of the Quality and the Means Ambiente with the main recognition and international prestige and with a high demand of the companies of professional formed in these areas.
MODULE 1 - Introduction to the Quality
1.1. From the start of the Quality
1.2. Sensitization to the Quality
MODULE 2 - Systems of management of Quality as ISO 9001:2000
2.1. General requirements
2.2. Requirements of the documentation
2.3. Responsibilities of the Direction
2.4. Management of Resources
2.5. Control of the Production or the Provision of the Service
2.6. Design
2.7. Calibración
2.8. Follow-up, analysis and improvement
2.9. Internal audits
MODULE 3 - Tools of Improvement Contínua
3.1. The satisfaction of the client
3.2. The improvement contínua
3.3. The 7 tools for the improvement contínua
3.4. Modal analysis of failures and effects
3.5. The 7 new tools for the improvement contínua
3.6. Statistical technicians of control of processes
MODULE 4 - To the Business Excellence
4.1. Fundamentos
4.2. Culture of the change
4.3. The management by processes
4.4. The strategic planning
4.5. Leadership
4.6. Work in team and Direction of meetings.
4.7. The 5S
4.8. Training
4.9. Benchmarking
4.10. Empowerment
4.11. The 6 Sigma
4.12. Costs of Quality
MODULE 5 - The management of the Business Excellence
5.1. Introduction to the model EFQM
5.2. The criteria agents
5.3. The criteria resulted
5.4. REVER
5.5. Autoevaluación As EFQM
5.6. Walking to EFQM
MODULE 1 - Introduction
1.1. Introduction to the Means Ambiente
1.2. Introduction to the Systems of Environmental Management
MODULE 2 - Engineering and Environmental Pollution
2.1. Atmospheric pollution and legal frame
2.2. Aquatic pollution and legal frame
2.3. Pollution by waste and legal frame
2.4. Almacenamiento And transport of chemical products
2.5. Pollution by noises and legal frame
2.6. Law 16/2002 of Control and Prevention Integrated of the Pollution
MODULE 3 - System of Environmental Management as ISO 14001:2004
3.1. Object of the norm ISO 14001:2004 and field of application
3.2. Definitions
2.3. Environmental politics
3.4. Planning
3.5. Implantation and operation
3.6. Comprobación And action correctora
3.7. Review by the Direción
3.7. Internal audits as ISO 14001:2004
MODULE 4 - Reglamento EMAS
4.1. Reglamento EMAS I (1836/93)
4.2. Creation again Reglamento EMAS II
4.3. Requirements of the Reglamento EMAS
4.4. Environmental statement
4.5. Differences and similitudes between ISO 14001:2004 And Reglamento EMAS II
MODULE 5 - Advantages and inconvenientes of the Systems of Management
5.1. Advantages of image
5.2. Commercial advantages
5.3. Economic advantages
5.4. Business advantages
MODULE 6 - Other systems of Environmental Management
6.1. The family of Norms ISO 14000
6.2. The analysis of the cycle of life
6.3. Local diary 21
6.4. The ecoetiquetado
6.5. Good environmental practices
I MODULATE ONLY - Correspondences between ISO 9001 and ISO 14001
1.1. Similar points
1.2. Documentary integration
1.3. Points no integrables
1.4. Methodology of implantation of system integrated
1.5. Other systems integrated of management
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- Cursos y Masters » Calidad/M Ambiente » Medio Ambiente
- Cursos y Masters » Calidad/M Ambiente » Calidad
El curso Máster In Quality and Means Ambiente está en nuestro Buscador de Cursos y Masters desde el 14/11/2011.
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