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Technical course of Installation and Maintenance of Thermoelectric Solar Plants

Precio 495 € - Cursos de especialización, OnLine de 109 horas - Titulación Emitida por el centro - Promoción: Facilidades de pago
Curso de Instalación y Mantenimiento de Plantas Solares Termoeléctricas Curso Técnico de Instalación e Mantemento de Plantas Solares Termoeléctricas Curs Tècnic d“Instal·lació i Manteniment de Plantes Solars Termoelèctriques Curso Técnico de Instalação e Manutenção de Plantas Solares Termoeléctricas   Technical course of Installation and Maintenance of Thermoelectric Solar Plants   Cours Technique d“Installation et Entretien de Plantes Solaires Termoeléctricas
Justificación/Descripción del curso:

Almost with total certainty, could affirm that the Thermoelectric Solar Energy (also known like Energy Termosolar or Solar Energy of Concentration), is up to now the less known of between the three current forms to take advantage of the energy of the Sun. In effect, the thermal solar energy and photovoltaic have had fortunately a formidable expansion in the last years, and already are integral part of our daily life: production of ACS, support to heating, climatización of swimming pools, generation of electricity for own consumption or sale to the network... They are a sample of the profits obtained with these applications. However, it exists a third technological slope, that allows the generation of electricity in plants of big power, equiparable to head offices of production of conventional energy, but with the environmental profits of the renewable energies .

ACEDIS Has realised an important effort of synthesis for confeccionar an essentially descriptive course, rigorous and to the same accessible time for all, that was able of englobar the foundations of the Thermoelectric Solar Energy with an educational methodology of easy assimilation.

From the professional point of view, the future that him augura to the Thermoelectric Solar Energy is inmejorable: no in vain, they exist in our country several tens of head offices of power of this índole that are already built, in phase of building or projected for the next years.

Al finalizar our course the student will be capacitado stop:

  • Know with rigour the physical principles of operation of each one of the technologies linked to the Energy Termosolar.

  • Learn the criteria and methods that apply for the installation, maintenance and operation of this type of energetic plants, from the perspective of a correct prevention of labour risks.

  • Anticipate and schedule the group of previous tasks and necessary teams for a correct building of the plant termosolar.

  • Detail the description of each one of the activities constitutivas of a complete installation of a head office termosolar.

  • Exemplify the most singular tasks of operation, maintenance, diagnosis and resolution of incidences of these installations, evaluating his costs in function of his realisation by own staff of the company or by means of outsourcing.

  • Know the most advanced devices of inspection and instrumental indispensable for an optimum maintenance.

Have some solid and specific knowledges on the Thermoelectric Solar Energy can be a key factor for a future labour incorporation to this new niche of employment.


The Temario is structured in Modules and these to his time in Didactic Units, and the student will have of him at all times in three formats:

  • In a CD-ROM edited by ACEDIS Training with all the content of study of the course that includes the didactic and different units files of video and audible that reinforce the learning.

  • Will facilitate some keys of personal access for each student to our Virtual Classroom, the On-line Campus where will have available to any hour all the Didactic Material, channels of query with professors by multiple half, as well as an area of contact with his mates

  • Books encuadernados of the temario complete of the Course.
  • Requisitos de acceso al curso:

    Course headed to Technical and Upper Engineers; to titled of F.P. Of technical branches like Electricity, Electronic or Automation; intermediate controls and managers of companies linked to the sector of the energy; and of generic form, to all that that wish to enter professionally in the sector of the Thermoelectric Solar Energy.
    Operarios Of maintenance of plants termosolares or thermoelectric that already are operative.

    Temario cubierto por el curso:


    Unit 01.- Introduction.

    1.1 Problematic environmental and paper of the renewable energies
    1.2 Types of aprovechamiento of the solar energy
    1.3 History and current situation of the solar energy in Spain
    1.4 Energetic and solar geometry
    1.5 direct Radiation and diffuse: devices of measure
    1.6 The solar belt

    Unit 02.- Systems termosolares of concentration:

    2.1 thermodynamic Foundation of the thermoelectric solar energy
    2.2 thermodynamic Cycles applied to thermoelectric solar energy
    2.3 Plants of conventional thermoelectric energy
    2.4 Technologies termosolares: drop, average and high temperature
    2.5 Factor of concentration of the solar radiation
    2.6 Conical and quadric remarkable: geometrical properties
    2.7 Concentrators cylinder-parabolic, linear lens of 2.8 Fresnel, captadores of disk and of central tower
    2.9 Chimeneas solar

    Unit 03.- Helióstatos: System of follow-up:

    3.1 Orientation and inclination of the captadores thermoelectric
    3.2 Foundations of the solar follow-up
    3.3 Follow-up in manifolds cylinder-parabolic
    3.4 Follow-up in parabolic disks and in head offices of tower

    Unit 04.- Fluent caloportador of work:

    4.1 thermal Characteristics of the fluent caloportador
    4.2 Fluids used in the actuality

    Unit 05.- Storage and hybridisation of power

    5.1 Characteristics and advantages of the thermal storage
    5.2 Typologies of thermal storage
    5.3 Hybridisation of installations termosolares with other technologies

    Unit 06.- Conversion of electrical power and auxiliary systems

    6.1 Drivings, isolations and groups of impulsión
    6.2 Compressors, soplantes and turbines
    6.3 Valvulería industrial
    6.4 Exchangers of heat
    6.5 electrical Conversion: generator
    6.6 Regulation, control and monitoring of systems termosolares

    Unit 07.- Economic appearances-financial of the solar thermoelectric:

    7.1 Distribution of current costs and perspectives of growth
    7.2 Comparison of technologies
    7.3 Positioning in the Spanish electrical market

    Unit 08.- Future lines of I+D solar thermoelectric

    8.1 Optimisation of technologies and minoración of costs
    8.2 direct Generation of steam
    8.3 Improvement of the algorithms of control: fuzzy logic
    8.4 Analyses exergético
    8.5 additional Applications: production of hydrogen

    Normative ANNEX and legislation of application

    - Diet of special production: RD 661/2007
    - Plan of Renewable Energies: PER 2005-2010


    Unit 01.- Previous tasks to the installation

    1.1 The execution of work
    1.2 legal Implications of the signature of projects and directions facultativas of work
    1.3 Materials, tools and necessary teams
    1.4 Prolegómenos: comprobaciones and previous permissions
    1.5 Procurement of components for the installation

    Unit 02.- Tasks of montaje of teams

    2.1 Preparation of the terrain
    2.2 Cimentaciones and hormigonados
    2.3 Montaje of metallic structures
    2.4 Installation of systems of reflection and catchment
    2.5 Accesses, viales and closings
    2.6 Network of drainages and canalisations
    2.7 Resolve for cableado
    2.8 Montaje of the rest of systems and hydraulic proofs

    Unit 03.- Maintenance of installations termosolares

    3.1 general Approach
    3.2 Operation and maintenance of plants termosolares: types and costs
    3.3 Outsourcing of tasks of operation and maintenance: advantages and inconvenient
    3.4 Devices advanced of inspection: infrared thermography and deflectometría optical
    3.5 Cleaning of mirrors: key importance of the task
    3.6 Degradation of the thermal fluid: technician of cleaning type "flushing"
    3.7 chemical Control of head offices termosolares
    3.8 Other additional incidences in plants termosolares

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    El curso Technical course of Installation and Maintenance of Thermoelectric Solar Plants está en nuestro Buscador de Cursos y Masters desde el 14/11/2011.

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