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Máster in International Law, Foreign Trade & International Relations LL.M.

Precio A consultar - Masters y Postgrados, Presencial de 1200 horas
Justificación/Descripción del curso:

Sedes de realización del curso: Madrid

The Master in International Law LL.M. is an international postgraduate Law degree for recent graduates in Law, lawyers who want to improve their law knowledge and practice in an increasing global economy scenario and other persons with interest in developing their career in the International Law framework.

The applicants must be able to attend and dedicate one year to the programme as a full-time student. It is also mandatory for all the students to have an outstanding knowledge of the English language, as English is the official language of the LL.M. programme and therefore all the lectures are given in English.

Thinking globally is the aim of the Master in International Law LL.M.: globalization and economic crisis is transforming the practice of law becoming more international. Nowadays, even family business are likely to face complex issues involving employment and immigration law, international trade issues and sophisticated tax and health law regulations. Thus, the programme is designed to appeal to both local and foreign students who wish to obtain a specialist qualification in International law, international relations and foreign trade.

The knowledge of International law is important to graduates for different reasons: public international law has taken into account the effects of globalization and the necessity of protecting general and common international interests; it is also a reality the importance of the International Community, and in consequence of international relations and foreign trade. The Master in International Law wants to reflect this broader perspective.

Requisitos de acceso al curso:

The Master in International Law LL.M. was born with a clear objective: to transmit a mechanism of legal reasoning and consequently, a preparation in legal practice in all the subjects, with the aim to gradually aspire to the specialization. The student will also be instructed in international relations and foreign trade, necessary nowadays with the actual worldwide economic system.

Temario cubierto por el curso:


I. International Contracts.
II. Bankruptcy Law.
III. Banking Contracts and International Financing. International Methods of payment.
IV. Introduction to International Stock-Market Agreements of Negotiable Values.
V. International Trade Law. Joint Ventures.
VI. Intellectual Property Law. E-commerce Law.
VII. Competition Law.
VIII. International Insurance Contracts.


I. Corporation Law and Corporate Governance.
II. Company’s Directors: Duties and Liabilities.
III. M & A transactions: Mergers and Acquisitions
IV. Listed companies: Takeovers.
V. Corporate Real Estate.


I. Transfer Pricing. International Tax Planning. EU Tax Law.
II. International Double Taxation.
III. The OECD and UN Model Tax Treaties.


I. European Employment Law.
II. Immigration.
III. International Hiring.


I. The International regulatory framework of Law. The treaty legal framework. Integration of International rules in the governmental regulatory framework. Application and interpretation of International rules.
II. Governmental Influence: Maritime Law. Air space and Transport.
III. Energy Law.
IV. Environmental Law. International protection.
V. Telecommunications Law.


I. International Judicial process and assistance. Enforcement of Foreign Judicial procedures.
II. Alternative Dispute Resolution.
III. International Commercial Arbitration. Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral awards.
IV. Mediation. Conciliation and other ADRS.


I. Economic, financial and Business Criminal Law.
II. International criminal Law: war crimes and crimes against Humanity.


I. International human rights rules referred to families and family life as well as private international law rules that affect families.
II. Marriage, separation and divorce, child custody and adoption.
III. Inheritance Law.


I. Society and International Community.
II. Theory of the International relations.
III. International cooperation for development.
IV. International Contemporary Conflicts.
V. International cooperation: United Nations operating system.
VI. Foreign politics. International Protocol.-
VII. Governmental bodies for foreign policy and International relations. Diplomacy. Consular affairs.


I. Foreign Trade Law.
II. International Economy and foreign affairs. (Universal Economic Organization. General agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GAAT). Anti- GATT reactions: The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) and the United Nations Industrial development Organization (ONUDI). The OMC. Dispute settlement.


- Etiquette and protocol
- Speech class
- Negotiation
- Management and Leadership Skills
- Business Development
- Legal Marketing.-
- Workshop and practical classes in Firms


- Legal English
- Legal American


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El curso Máster in International Law, Foreign Trade & International Relations LL.M. está en nuestro Buscador de Cursos y Masters desde el 19/01/2012.

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