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MBA in Hotel Management

Precio 7500 € - Masters y Postgrados, Presencial de 600 horas
Justificación/Descripción del curso:

Sedes de realización del curso: Barcelona

In the last few years, hotel companies have undergone an intense process of development, globalization and vertical concentration. This has caused training deficits for professionals, who need to have abilities and competencies to help them implement a highly professional approach to hotel management. This is specially important given the economic relevance of the hotel sector in the world economy.

The MBA in Hotel Management is born from the desire to fill this existing gap in management and executives in the marketing and finance departments of hotel chains. It is a programme geared towards the hotel industry. This training is done at university level and with the quality of faculty that is the hallmark of UAB.

Strategic management and value creation influence decisions about going public, revenue management, brand management, sales, budget management, etc., and they progressively evolve towards adopting he strategies of marketing and finance departments.

(5th edition)

The MBA in Hotel Management provides the necessary tools to be able to take on a leadership role in developing corporate strategies in finance and marketing departments. It is clearly oriented towards practical knowledge and exchange of experiences, and thus support a highly interactive teaching offer.

On the other hand, Spanish is one of the most spoken languages in the world. Its knowledge is an appreciated skill for the hotel sector professionals. For this reason, one of the aims of the MBA in Hotel Management is that students should be able to communicate in Spanish at the end of their studies. Although the program lectures are full in English, some basic knowledge of Spanish will be necessary for the internships to do at the end of the program. Optionally, some lectures will be offered in Spanish if students are agree. Spanish courses are be offered at UAB for the foreign students interested.

Requisitos de acceso al curso:

Graduates and university diploma holders currently working in hospitality management interested in receiving high level specialised education that will enable them to become involved in senior management of large corporations and hotel chains.

Temario cubierto por el curso:

Strategic Management

(6 ECTS credits)

This module will deal with the key aspects of strategic management in the hotel sector. From strategy formulation to implementation.

Human Resources Management

(6 ECTS credits)

This module will work on the key aspects that define the human resources policy of a chain. This is one of the strategic differentiators in the hotel sector.

Marketing and Comercial Sales Management

(6 ECTS credits)

This module will deal with issues relating to the implementation of a marketing plan, segmentation and positioning, marketing and negotiating with tour operators, revenue management and management of business communication in the hotel sector.

Financial Management

(12 ECTS credits)

This module presents the key elements in financial analysis, treasury management, financial management, investment analysis and flotation processes in the hotel industry.

Operations, Quality and Information Systems Management and Business Simulation Game

(6 ECTS credits)

Management operations (hotels and restaurants) purchasing and quality, information systems and new openings. Introduction to ICT applied to the hotel sector. The module ends with a hospitality business simulation game.


(12 ECTS credits)

The practicum comprises 12 ECTS credits and is assessed by means of an internship report. The aim is for participants to adapt individually and complement their professional profiles in the best way possible in accordance with their previous experience and career guidance that they require. It´s compulsory.

Final master´s Project

(12 ECTS credits)

The project comprises 12 ECTS credits and is assessed by a tribunal. It consists of a business plan and the implemetation of a management system. It´s compulsory.

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Otros datos del Curso:

El curso MBA in Hotel Management está en nuestro Buscador de Cursos y Masters desde el 28/02/2014.

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