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University Master in Integrated Architecture Project

Precio 7800 € - Cursos de especialización, Presencial
Justificación/Descripción del curso:

The Master in Integrated Architectural Design is a one-year program offered by Universitat Ramon Llull within the La Salle School of Architecture (ETSALS) in Barcelona. It is a post-professional degree intended for individuals who have completed a four-year undergraduate professional program in architecture or its equivalent. The objective of the program is to provide advanced students or young professionals with the opportunity to engage in postgraduate study that encourages critical thought in the context of architectural design.

It is a post-professional degree intended for individuals who have completed a four-year undergraduate professional program in architecture or its equivalent.
The output profile of this Master is a professional architect able to control all phases of project development, from concept to detail design.

Specifically, the program seeks to:

  • Explore architectural design integrated within a broad body of knowledge
  • Address architectural heteronomics as a central research horizon
  • Engage in a multi-scalar curriculum
  • Activate a skill range that runs from the initial concept to detailed design
  • Promote innovation critically engaging both traditional and new technologies and approaches
  • Take advantage of Barcelona as an architectural laboratory

The program uses the ETSALS’s well-known technical prowess as a foundation on which to build innovative architectural practices. The program will attempt to blur the line that separates professional and academic concerns, exploring their fertile intersections. The program promotes innovative architectural design integrated with the wide range of skills and technical and cultural knowledge that contemporary architecture demands.
With an experimental ethos, the program emphasizes a heteronomic take on architectural design; in other words, it recognizes the relevance of a wide body of knowledge that is external to architectural design discipline and yet it is fundamental in order to engage a contemporary renewal of the role of architecture.

Temario cubierto por el curso:

"The aim of the Master’s program is to ensure that the architect is equipped to develop a global design, at every scale of the process.
The five scalar lines are then intersected by five subjects, which cover the essential elements of architectural activity. These five subjects are: design, theory, structural engineering, services installations and building technology.

Compulsory Subjects:

  • Master Thesis 9 ECTS
  • Meth. of the investigation in architecture and town planning 3 ECTS
  • Doctoral thesis formulation 3 ECTS
  • Master Thesis Monitoring 3 ECTS
  • Transverse workshop: collective housing 9 ECTS
  • Elective Subjects:
  • An approach to tectonics and the architectural project 3 ECTS
  • Mediation systems in architectural design 3 ECTS
  • Contemporary territories. Drawing the ground 3 ECTS
  • Urban interstices 3 ECTS
  • Workshop: Design and technology 9 ECTS
  • Workshop: City and Landscape 9 ECTS
  • Facade, structure and cover in architectural design 3 ECTS
  • Technology and materials: arts, techniques and craft 6 ECTS
  • Built for change 3 ECTS
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Otros datos del Curso:

El curso University Master in Integrated Architecture Project está en nuestro Buscador de Cursos y Masters desde el 23/06/2014.

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