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Calibración And Verificación of Devices of Measurement

Precio 100 € - Cursos de especialización, OnLine de 27 horas - Titulación Emitida por el centro - Promoción: Facilidades de pago
Curso de Calibración y Verificación de Dispositivos de Medición Calibración e Verificación de Dispositivos de Medición Calibratge i Verificació de Dispositius de Mesurament Calibración e Verificación de Dispositivos de Medición   Calibración And Verificación of Devices of Measurement   Calibración Et Vérification de Dispositifs de Mesure
Justificación/Descripción del curso:

The norm ISO 9001 in one of his separated demands the Control of the Means of Measurement. In him says "The organisation has to determine the follow-up and the measurement to realise and the necessary devices to provide the evidence of the compliance of the product with the determinate requirements".

Traditionally, this has been object of terminology, methods, calculations and criteria related with the statistics that found far of the compression and manipulation of people that need of simple and handy patterns on the validity or invalidity of his teams.

Today the Metrology is the cause and the base of the Quality. We have happened of the purely qualitative, the personal estimate, to the evaluation by a number that is the result of a measurement.

In the industry, the majority of the operations have to be measured or checked, using for this teams or instruments of measurement, to decide if it is well or bad fact and, therefore, is acceptable or has to refuse .

This decision based in the measurement, supposes a high economic cost, if the measure was not correct. We can give us account of the grave responsibility to keep properly the park of instruments.

This course has by object give contestaciones to questions related with this subject such as:

How realises the Audit in this point.

Which are the documents and necessary registers for the identification of means, reception, calibración, trazabilidad and supervision.

Which difficulties arise to the hour to define the precision of the means for the control of our product.

How establishes a process.

Which measures take when the teams of measurement do not keep the precision demanded

Requisitos de acceso al curso:

There are not specific requirements.
Headed to students and professional that wish or develop his professional career in the field of organisations with need to carry out precise measurements that ensure the final quality of his products.

Temario cubierto por el curso:

1. AIMS.
2.1 Introduction.
2.2 general Concepts.
2.3 Characteristics of the Teams.
2.4 Patterns and Trazabilidad.
2.5 The Chain of Calibración.

1. AIMS.
2.1 Classification of Errors As the Origin.
2.2 Classification of Errors As the Nature.
2.3 Absolute Error.
2.4 Significant Figures and Expression of the Measures.
2.4.1 Expression of the absolute error.
2.4.2 final Expression of a result.
2.5 Histrograma of Gaussian distribution.
2.6 Other Parameters.
2.7 Uncertainties and Calculations.
2.7.1 Generalities.
2.7.2 Calculation of uncertainties according to criteria ENAC.
2.7.3 Calibraciones in distinct ranks of measure.
2.7.4 derivative Corrections of the calibración.
2.7.5 Results of a calibración.

1. AIMS.
2.1 JOINS in ISO 9001:2008
2.2 Methodology of Calibración / Verificación.
2.3 Inventories.
2.4 Diagram of Levels.
2.5 Periods of Calibración / Verificación.
2.6 Methods of Calibración.
2.6.1 Comparison.
2.6.2 Reproduction of the %or201Cdefinición%or201D.
2.6.3 Reproduction of the System of Measure.
2.6.4 Intercomparación.
2.7 Instruction of Calibración.
2.8 Certificates of Calibración.
2.9 Storage and Conservation of the Teams.
2.10 Maintenance of the Teams.

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El curso Calibración And Verificación of Devices of Measurement está en nuestro Buscador de Cursos y Masters desde el 14/11/2011.

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