Cursos y Masters de Escuela Europea de Negocios Cursos y Masters de CENTRO TECNICO EUROPEO Cursos y Masters de OBS Online Business School Cursos y Masters de CODIS Cursos y Masters de ITAE, Escuela de Negocios Cursos y Masters de Innotec Formación Cursos y Masters de Centro de Estudios CEAC Cursos y Masters de Intesa Cursos y Masters de Growman Group Cursos y Masters de ESAH Estudios Superiores Abiertos de Hostelería

Course of Evaluation of Environmental Impact, And.To.And. And To.To.I.

Precio 350 € - Cursos de especialización, OnLine de 70 horas - Titulación Emitida por el centro - Promoción: Facilidades de pago
Curso de Evaluación de Impacto Ambiental, E.A.E. y A.A.I. Curso de Avaliación de Impacto Ambiental, E.A.E. e A.A.I. Curs d“Avaluació d“Impacte Ambiental, I.A.I. i A.A.I. Curso de Avaliação de Impacto Ambiental, E.A.E. e A.A.I.   Course of Evaluation of Environmental Impact, And.To.And. And To.To.I.   Cours d“Évaluation d“Impact écologique, Et.À.Et. Et À.À.I.
Justificación/Descripción del curso:

The aim of this course is not another that the one to explain the different mechanisms that presents the ordenamiento juridical Spaniard for the defence of our surroundings front to the environmental deterioration produced by the hand of the man.

In this way, and after an approximation to the historical antecedents of the different subjects that give content to the present module, will center us in the three more significant figures by what to protection of the means ambiente refer : the evaluation of environmental impact (EIA), the strategic environmental evaluation (EAE) and the environmental permission integrated (AAI).

With the step of the years, these tools of sostenibilidad have gone winning a progressive protagonismo until the point that good part of the big plans, programs and sectorial projects that pretend execute in our territory (so much by physical or juridical people, public or private, as by the different Administrations or Organisms) require of some type of permission or report of environmental nature before or to proceed to his execution.

In accordance with the previous, will focus the different questions to treat from a double point of view: theoretical and practical. From the theoretical point of view, will explain the details of the different legal texts in the subject facilitating his understanding by part of the student, whereas from the practical point of view will try that, to the conclusion of this course, all those that have it finalizado have a clear and precise idea about how surpass a trámite of evaluation of environmental impact and/or obtain an environmental permission integrated in front of the corresponding public Administration. To this respecto, can contemplate as, by different causes such as desconocimiento, scarce training, fault of information or incomplete information etc., a lot of plans, programs or projects find in phase of stagnation or finally do not see the light, with the logical perjuicio that this supposes for those who invest his time and his money in them.

By all this, this course will clear all his doubts regarding the subject that occupies us and will contribute to improve and/or perfect his training in this field, preparing him to act in all process of these subjects with full security to do the things well and avoiding costly delays in the execution of projects.

Requisitos de acceso al curso:

No required. If well they do not exist specific requirements, this course is directed to Environmental Technicians, Technical and Upper Engineers, Architects and Aparejadores as well as to Graduates in Right

Temario cubierto por el curso:

ONLY MODULE - Evalucación of Environmental Impact, Strategic Environmental Evaluation and Environmental Permission Integrated

Didactic Unit 1 - Introduction
History, evolution, finalidad and objective of the Evalucación of Environmental Impact, the Strategic Environmental Evaluation and the Environmental Permission Integrated

Didactic Unit 2 - Evaluation of Environmental Impact
general Questions, procedure, control of the fulfillment and legislation related

Didactic Unit 3 - Strategic Environmental Evaluation
general Questions, procedure of the evaluation and follow-up of the evaluation, legal disposals and competent organs

Didactic Unit 4 - Environmental Permission Integrated
general Questions, administrative procedure for the obtención of the Permission, infracciones and sanctions and Organos Competent in the subject

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Otros datos del Curso:

El curso Course of Evaluation of Environmental Impact, And.To.And. And To.To.I. está en nuestro Buscador de Cursos y Masters desde el 14/11/2011.

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