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Master In Environment and Environmental Management

Precio 1295 € - Cursos de especialización, OnLine de 500 horas - Titulación Emitida por el centro - Promoción: Facilidades de pago
Máster Profesional en Medio Ambiente y Gestión Ambiental Master no medio Ambiente e Xestión Ambiental Master al mig Ambient i Gestió Ambiental Master em Médio Ambiente e Gestão Ambiental   Master In Environment and Environmental Management   Master En Environnement et Gestion Environnementale
Justificación/Descripción del curso:

ACEDIS Training launches this program putting near at hand of the student the Methodology ACEDIS and all his experience in training of authentic professional, after having taken part in the training of more than 4.000 specialists and professional fundamentally of the sectors of the Prevention, Management of Quality and Environment, that so good results has reflected along our history like Centre of on-line training.

The student will specialise of the hand of consultores specialists in Management of the Environment that at present are working in the sector, being this one of the professional areas with more demand and needs of qualified personnel, since the consumer is increasingly demanding with the final product and the companies go implanting these systems when giving account that they are the best way to optimise his profits and guarantee the best aprovechamiento of his productive factors, in addition to guaranteeing a good management of his systems with respect of the Environment and avoid sanctions, fines and even use these certificates like tool of sale in front of the increasing worry of the consumer in front of the means in which live and his own health, on the other hand, also treat in this program to form to the student in matters on management and conservation of the nature, pues are matters transvaersales that link and entroncan with the systems of environmental management and on which the legislation does every time main pressure, in the actuality, the matters of conservation of the nature have turned into a new niche of employment, no in vain the importance given by the governments to the conservation of the natural resources, does necessary the preparation of professional that know to assist to the administration and the companies in this work.

Will treat also the study in depth of appearances like the forest resources and faunísticos, or the management of the mountains and natural spaces, are of vital importance for the optimisation of the natural resources from an environmental point of view and of rentabilidad economic, for this will endow to the student of a knowledge and deep understanding of the different biological systems involved and prepare them for the participation in all the works of management that this type of ecosystems need.

Will touch in depth along the program the different legal norms existent regarding the natural means as well as the different approaches of management and conservation of the nature, doing special emphasis in the legal obligations, plans of performance, systems of conservation and the different incentives and sanctions that compete to the area.

Al finalizar the course, the student will be capacitado stop:

Hold responsible of the design, implantation and maintenance of the System of Environmental Half Management in the company as well as to act of external aide and direct to the fulfillment of the norms ISO to obtain the timely certifications.
Deepen in the management of the Environment in the company encaminándo the to the guarantee of environmental respect that facilitates the contratación in contests of the Public Administration.
Realise internal Audits of Environmental Management that avalen the fulfillment of the norms Corresponding ISO.
Asesorar To the company the fulfillment of the exigencias legal in matter of Environment
Face the elaboración of plans of management of natural resources
Design and apply plans of conservation and protection of the naturalez
Focus plans of ordenación of the natural territory
Apply all these plans or processes to the business management of the industries that use the natural means like recursoConocer the incentives and sanctions in this matter.

The course will be tutorizado and monitorizado at all times by our consultores specialists, having the different student channels of communication with the same through forums of query, and-mail, private messages and Channels of Talk in real time (Chats)

Besides the student will realise different test of autoevaluación along the course, being able to realise them those that times estimate timely and obtaining the correction immediately in the screen of his computer, these exercises will serve of preparation for the final examination that will follow the same system.

Al finalizar each Module of the temario the consultores of the course will organise a talk in real time (voluntary for the students) as if of a class presencial treated , in which the students will be able to take part freely and enrich the knowledges purchased in the Module when integrating in the different threads of conversation that go producing (this complement will facilitate to the student that wish to take part the understanding of the matter and will enrich the learning, when seeing that doubts arise between other mates and can complement them with the own, substituting to a large extent the absence of classes presenciales)

Requisitos de acceso al curso:

This Master does not require Titulación University

Is headed to professional of the area medioambietal, as well as to any person that wish to have a deep knowledge of the Systems of Management of the Medioambiente.

Temario cubierto por el curso:

BLOCK 1 - Common Administrative Procedure

Only Module - Common Administrative Procedure
UD 1.2 - Law 30/1992
UD 1.3 - Initiation of the Procedure
UD 1.4 - Ordenación of the Procedure
UD 1.5 - Instruction of the Procedure
UD 1.6 - The execution of the Administrative Acts
UD 1.7 - Review of the Administrative Acts

BLOCK 2 - Mountains and Conservation of the Nature

Module 1 - Mountains
UD 1.1 - Introduction
UD 1.2 - General Questions
UD 1.3 - Classification of the Mountains
UD 1.4 - Sustainable Forest Management
UD 1.5 - Conservation and Protection of the Mountains
UD 1.6 - Incentives Sanction and Organos Competent
Module 2 - Conservation of the Nature
UD 2.1 - Introduction
UD 2.2 - General Questions
UD 2.3 - The Plans of Ordenación of the Natural Resources
UD 2.4 - Protection of Spaces
UD 2.5 - Conservation of the Biodiversidad
UD 2.6 - Infracciones and Sanctions
UD 2.7 - Competent Organs and Autonomic Rules

BLOCK 3 - Environmental Engineering

Module 1 - Atmospheric Pollution
UD 1.1 - Introduction
UD 1.2 - Contaminantes Atmospheric
UD 1.3 - Depuración Of Gases
Module 2 - Acoustic Pollution
UD 2.1 - Introduction
UD 2.2 - The Noise
Module 3 - Pollution of the Water
UD 3.1 - Introduction
UD 3.2 - The Depuración Of Residual Waters
UD 3.3 - Potabilización Of the Water
Module 4 - Pollution by Waste
UD 4.1 - Introduction
UD 4.2 - Urban Solid Waste
UD 4.3 - The Industrial Waste
UD 4.4 - Special Waste
Module 5 - Pollution of Soils
UD 5.1 - Introduction
UD 5.2 - Pollution by Sour Rain
UD 5.3 - Pollution by Heavy Metals
UD 5.4 - Pollution by Phytosanitary
UD 5.5 - Pollution by Mining Activities
Module 6 - Pollution of Subterranean Waters
UD 6.1 - Introduction
UD 6.2 - Pollution of Subterranean Waters
Module 7 - Integrated Environmental Permission
UD 7.1 - Introduction
UD 7.2 - Integrated Environmental Permission

BLOCK 4 - Systems of Environmental Management

Module 1 - System of Environmental Management as ISO 14001
UD 1.1 - Object of the Norm ISO 14001 and Field of Application
UD 1.2 - Terminos and Definitions
UD 1.3 - Politica Environmental
UD 1.4 - Environmental Appearances
UD 1.5 - Legal Requirements and Other Requirements
UD 1.6 - Objective Put and Programs
UD 1.7 - Structure and Responsibilities
UD 1.8 - Competition Training and Take of Contact
UD 1.9 - Communication
UD 1.10 - Control of Documentation
UD 1.11 - Operational Control
UD 1.12 - The Types of Operational Control
UD 1.13 - Preparation and Answer in front of Emergencies
UD 1.14 - Follow-up and Measurement
UD 1.15 - Control Legal Fulfillment
UD 1.16 - The No Compliances AACC and AAPP
UD 1.17 - Control of the Registers
UD 1.18 - Review by the Direction
UD 1.19 - Planning and Programming of the Audit
UD 1.20 - The process of Audit
UD 1.21 - The Auditor
UD 1.22 - Report of the Audit
UD 1.23 - Types of Auditorias and Aims
Module 2 - Regulation EMAS
UD 2.1 - Regulation EMAS I
UD 2.2 - Creation of a New Regulation EMAS II
UD 2.3 - Environmental Review Initial
UD 2.4 - Implantation of the System of Environmental Management
UD 2.5 - Environmental Statement
UD 2.6 - Verificación EMAS
UD 2.7 - Utilisation of the Logotype
UD 2.8 - Contents of an Environmental Statement
UD 2.9 - Reason of the Environmental Statement
UD 2.10 - Methods of Advertising of the Statement
UD 2.11 - Differences between ISO 14001 and Regulation EMAS
UD 2.12 - Similarities between ISO 14001 and Regulation EMAS
Module 3 - Advantages and inconvenient of the Systems of Management
UD 3.1 - Advantages of Image
UD 3.2 - Commercial Advantages
UD 3.3 - Economic Advantages
UD 3.4 - Business Advantages
Module 4 - Other systems of Environmental Management
UD 4.1 - European and International Norms of Systems of Management
UD 4.2 - complementary Rule to the 14001
UD 4.3 - ISO 14020 Labelled Environmental
UD 4.4 - Committee of Creation of Norms ISO 14000
UD 4.5 - Compilation of Entrances-Exits of the Productive Process
UD 4.6 - And.I.To. Of the Entrances and Exits of the Productive Process
UD 4.7 - Interpretation of Results
UD 4.8 - What is a Local Diary 21
UD 4.9 - History of the Local Diary 21, Evolution of the Treaties
UD 4.10 - Process of Implantation of the Local Diary 21 I
UD 4.11 - Process of Implantation of the Local Diary 21 II
UD 4.12 - Process of Implantation of the Local Diary 21 III
UD 4.13 - Implantation of the Local Diary 21 in Spain
UD 4.14 - The Ecological Label European
UD 4.15 - The Ecological Label Spaniard
UD 4.16 - Other Examples of Ecoetiquetado
UD 4.17 - Implantation of Ecoetiquetado
UD 4.18 - What are the Good Environmental Practices
UD 4.19 - Examples of Good Environmental Practices

BLOCK 5 - Environmental Economy

Only Module - Environmental Economy
UD 1.1 - Introduction
UD 1.2 - The Environmental Accounting and the Indicators of Environmental Sustainability
UD 1.3 - Economic Assessment of the Environment
UD 1.4 - Environmental Economy, Company and Public Administration

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El curso Master In Environment and Environmental Management está en nuestro Buscador de Cursos y Masters desde el 14/11/2011.

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