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Master Professional in Management of Renewable Energies

Precio 1595 € - Cursos de especialización, OnLine de 658 horas - Titulación Emitida por el centro - Promoción: Facilidades de pago
Máster Profesional en Gestión de Energías Renovables y Técnicas Afines Master Profesional en Xestión de Enerxías Renovables Master Professional en Gestió d“Energies Renovables Master Profissional em Gestão de Energias Renováveis   Master Professional in Management of Renewable Energies   Master Professionnel en Gestion d“Énergies Renouvelables
Justificación/Descripción del curso:

In our days already is comúnmente assumed that the model of energetic generation based mainly in fuels fossils, neither is sustainable medioambientalmente, neither viable for a next future from an economic point of view. The increasing demand of the consumption of energy, no only in the already developed countries but also in the called emergent economies, as well as the perniciosos effects generated by the massive broadcast of gases of effect invernadero, have justified, fortunately, some very good perspectives of development for the massive implantation of the Renewable Energies. The consequences more relevantes of this circumstance will see translated in a minoración of the effects of the climatic change that looms our planet, as well as a main sostenibilidad in the use of Energetic Resources.

In effect, the energetic future in Spain, Europe and in general all over the world, will finish being tied, with almost total certainty, to clean energetic sources and renewable. In this sense, the sector of the Alternative Energies in our country, faces the energetic challenge from a frankly privileged position, enjoying of an ingente torrent of autochthonous and renewable resources: sun, wind, vegetal rests, heat of the subsoil, waves and tides, cauces fluvial… No in vain, the development of the Renewable Energies and his sustainable growth in our country in the last years, is being considered like modélico by a lot of nations.


The final aim of the Máster in Renewable Energies of ACEDIS, is that the student, independently of his previous academic training, convert in a very prepared Technician in the pujante sector of the production and aprovechamiento of the clean energies, which offers estupendas opportunities of occupation for the next decades, with an increasing offer of employment of quality. This is, do not pretend develop a program of high theoretical level for students with previous knowledges very deep. On the contrary, his end last is to facilitate the necessary training for all that interested in adentrarse in this formidable sector, splitting from the basic levels, to go purchasing progressively some solid knowledges of base that allow to the student act with security and knowledge. Of this form, thanks to a paulatina planning docente, arrive to dominate the area of the subject in question.

Treat , in definite, of a program of knowledges multidisciplinar, rigorous and of easy understanding, that pursues to generate in the reader an integral culture on Renewable Energies, Eficiencia Energetic and Sustainable Development.

Incidentally, search dotarle of the timely capacitación professional in this apasionante line of knowledge; all this with the guarantee to attain the competitive integration of the titled in a labour market each more demanding, but of a certainly promising future for the sector of the respectful energies with the Means Ambiente, with an increasing demand of specialists in the subject. Thanks to the Máster in Renewable Energies of ACEDIS, the student will be able of:

  • Understand the relevancia of the energy in the current economy like engine of all human activity, and have of a vision of group of the classical technologies of energetic generation.

  • Quantify the environmental impact of the dirty “energies” as well as inculcar the imperiosa need that these are substituted by sources of sustainable and respectful energies with the means ambiente.

  • Comprise the fundamental principles, material and teams, of the current technologies of renewable energetic production and of the vectores energetic associated:
    • Photovoltaic Solar Energy.

    • Thermal Solar energy.

    • Thermoelectric Solar energy.

    • Aeolian energy.

    • Energy of the Biomass and Biofuels.

    • Geothermal energy.

    • Energy of the Mar.

    • Hydroelectric Energy and Minihidráulica.

    • Energy of the Hydrogen and Batteries of fuel.

  • Know the field of present application of the previous technologies, the formats of distribution and commercialization of the energy generated, the future lines of investigation, development and innovation (I+D+I) and all the legislation anexa to each one of them.

  • Design, dimensionar, mount and keep professionally renewable energetic solutions already totally implanted in our country: installations of Photovoltaic Solar Energy and Thermal.

  • Purchase consciousness of the importance of the Eficiencia Energetic in all the productive sectors as well as understand possible new alternative sources of energy and affine technologies: Energy of the Rays, Nuclear Fusion, Cogeneration-Trigeneración, Gasification and clean Combustion of the Coal, Valorization of RSU and Almacenamiento of CO2.

  • Develop the capacity of abordar the global study of a clean energetic solution and viable technical and economically, in front of any need that the current society pose, so much from a domestic point of view and industrial.

  • Quantify so much the environmental profits, as the economic-financial, of the renewable energies in his group, optimizing the installation for the emplazamiento more suitable in function of the available energetic potential. Incidentally, it pursues asentar a conceptual base on the current lines of funding, prime and subsidies vinculadas to projects of renewable energies.

  • Have of personal tools of research that allow to find employment in the companies more punteras of the sector and even offer to the market his own professional services to look for potential clients.

  • Know how be permanently informed of the novelties of the sector resorting to bibliographic sources of maximum credibility and actualización; and locate possible suppliers of teams and devices.


With the credit of the matrícula, no only will have right to an examination and recovery, but that in the case that you suspended, could not develop the course of normal form by personal circumstances, or could not you present to the examination by any cause, will have right to the Rematriculación gratuíta in the following announcement, so many times as you need until you approve or disappear this type of training, without additional costs of any type, entirely free.

Requisitos de acceso al curso:

The realization of the program does not require of the fulfillment of any concrete requirement, if well the Máster is conceived and directed mainly to Technical and Upper Engineers; titled of Professional Training and new Cycles Formative of Half and Upper Degree of technical branches; intermediate controls and gerentes of companies vinculadas to the sector of the energy; and of generic form, to all that that wish to enter professionally in the sector of the renewable energies and initiate a program of continuous improvement of his personal training.

Temario cubierto por el curso:


  1. Energy and his influence partner-economic

  2. conventional Sources of energetic production

  3. environmental Impact and agotamiento of energetic resources

  4. current and future Importance of the renewable energies

  5. Types of renewable energies

  6. Regulación of the Spanish electrical system.


  1. Introduction
  2. Cell and photovoltaic signpost

  3. own Components of photovoltaic installations isolated

  4. own Components of photovoltaic installations with connection to network

  5. common Components to both types of installations

  6. solar Supporters

  7. Telegestión and systems antirrobo in solar installations

  8. Calculation of installations isolated and connected to network

  9. Montaje of devices, set up and maintenance

  10. additional Applications and future lines of I+D photovoltaic

  11. Bibliography, pages web and technical magazines of interest

  12. ANNEX. Normative and legislation of application


  1. Introduction

  2. The captador solar thermal

  3. additional Components and design of the primary circuit

  4. specific Components of secondary circuits and consumption

  5. additional Applications of the thermal solar energy

  6. Dimensioning of installations for production of ACS

  7. Montaje of devices, set up and maintenance

  8. Future lines of I+D in thermal solar energy

  9. Bibliography, pages web and technical magazines of interest

  10. ANNEX. Normative and legislation of application


  1. Introduction

  2. Systems termosolares of concentration

  3. Helióstatos: system of follow-up

  4. Fluent caloportador of work

  5. Almacenamiento and hybridization of potencia

  6. Conversion of potencia electrical and auxiliary systems

  7. economic Appearances-financial of the solar thermoelectric

  8. Future lines of I+D solar thermoelectric

  9. Normative ANNEX and legislation of application


  1. Analysis of the aeolian resource: wind and his measurement

  2. Fundamentos fluidodinámicos of the aeolian energy

  3. History and technological evolution of the aeolian energy

  4. Aerogeneradores: parts, typology, orientation and regulación

  5. aeolian Parks: typology and environmental impact

  6. Bibliography, pages web and technical magazines of interest

  7. Future lines of I+D in aeolian energy

  8. Normative ANNEX and legislation of application


  1. Sources and types of biomass

  2. solid Biomass: pelets, briquetas and astillas

  3. liquid Biomass: biodiesel and bioetanol

  4. Biomass gaseosa: biogás and gas of synthesis

  5. economic Appearances-financial of energy of the biomass

  6. Future lines of I+D in energy of the biomass

  7. Bibliography, pages web and technical magazines of interest

  8. Normative ANNEX and legislation of application


  1. Heat of the Earth: origin and mechanisms of propagación

  2. geothermal Resources and levels entálpicos of energy

  3. Aprovechamiento of the geothermal heat of low enthalpy

  4. direct Utilization of the geothermal heat

  5. Conversion of the geothermal heat in electrical energy

  6. economic Appearances of the geotermia in Spain

  7. Future lines of I+D in geothermal energy

  8. Bibliography, pages web and technical magazines of interest

  9. Normative ANNEX and legislation of application


  1. The sea like energetic resource: current technological state

  2. Energy maremotriz: energy of the tides

  3. Energy undimotriz: energy of the waves

  4. Energy of the marine currents

  5. Energy maremotérmica: energy of marine thermal gradient

  6. Future lines of I+D in energy of the sea

  7. Bibliography and pages web of interest


  1. Introduction

  2. hydraulic Turbines: generalities

  3. Turbine Pelton

  4. Turbine Francis

  5. Turbine Kaplan

  6. Energy minihidráulica

  7. economic Appearances-financial of the hydroelectric energy

  8. Future lines of I+D in hydroelectric energy

  9. Bibliography and pages web of interest

  10. Normative ANNEX and legislation of application


  1. Characteristic physical-chemical of the hydrogen

  2. Engines of combustion of hydrogen

  3. Batteries of fuel: fundamentos and applications

  4. Projects emblemáticos in the use of the hydrogen and batteries of fuel

  5. Economy of the hydrogen: energetic revolution for the future

  6. Future lines of I+D in energy of the hydrogen

  7. Bibliography and pages web of interest


  1. ¿New renewable energy?: Energy georotacional

  2. Energy of them download electrical atmospheric

  3. Future of the atomic energy: nuclear fusion

  4. Cogeneration and trigeneración

  5. Gasification and clean combustion of the coal

  6. energetic Valorization of RSU and biometanización

  7. Eficiencia energetic

  8. Capture and almacenamiento of CO2

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El curso Master Professional in Management of Renewable Energies está en nuestro Buscador de Cursos y Masters desde el 14/11/2011.

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