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Speciality of Security in the Work (PRL)

Precio 395 € - Cursos de especialización, OnLine de 80 horas - Titulación Emitida por el centro - Promoción: Facilidades de pago
Curso de Implantación y Auditoría de la Norma SA8000 (RSC) Especialidade de Seguridade no Traballo (PRL) Especialitat de Seguretat en el Treball (PRL) Especialidad de Segurança no Trabalho (PRL)   Speciality of Security in the Work (PRL)   Spécialité de Sécurité au Travail (PRL)
Justificación/Descripción del curso:

This course is HOMOLOGADO by the XUNTA OF GALICIA and is OFFICIAL and VALID to exert like Technician of Prevention in all SPAIN.

You can check it pressing in this link

Examinations in Lugo, Gijón, Bilbao, Barcelona, Madrid, Valencia, Sevilla and Tenerife.

Using our Platform of Training On-Line have prepared successfully in the two last years more of 500 Technicians of Prevention of all Spain, obtaining a percentage of approved upper to 99%

The Law of Prevention of Labour Risks, Law 31/1995 of 8 of November, establishes in his exhibition of reasons that "the purpose of fomentar an authentic preventive culture, by means of the promotion of the improvement of the education in said subject in all the educative levels, involucra to the society in his group and constitutes one of the basic aims and of effects perhaps more transcendentes for the future of the pursued by the present Law".

By his part, the Reglamento of the services of Prevention, regulates the capacities or necessary aptitudes for the development of the preventive activity, like this like the minimum training exigible for the development of the preventive activity, like this like the minimum training exigible for the exert of said functions that classify in basic level, intermediate and upper in prevention of labour risks.

The strong social demand that exists of Technicians sure enough prepared in this subject does necessary the realization of diverse courses in all the national field. By another part in front of the new open possibilities by the technologies of the information has opened a fan of methods of education colaborativa that allow a main aprovechamiento of the training and the generalización of the same.

Derived of all this arise also the specialities in Prevention of Risks, since it has suited to establish different fields of specialization, being 4 in the actuality: Security in the Work, Industrial Hygiene, Ergonomía and Psicosociología Applied and Medicine of the Work.

This speciality is orientada to the most usual risks of the workers covering the big majority of the places of work of any type of company.

If you have cursado with ACEDIS Training the Master complete, will have a discount of 20% in this speciality.

Requisitos de acceso al curso:

Be in possession of the Title of Upper Technician in Prevention of Labour Risks

Temario cubierto por el curso:

MODULATE 1 - electrical Risks in Low Tension.
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Accidentabilidad
1.3 legal Criteria and technical of reference
1.4 Definitions and general concepts
1.5 Effect of the electrical current on the body
1.6 Types and forms of distribution of the electrical current
1.7 Classification and conditions of security of the receptors
1.8 Protection against direct contacts
1.9 Protection against indirect contacts
1.10 Take of earth
1.11 Reviews and comprobaciones in electrical installations

MODULATE 2 - electrical Risks in High Tension.
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Accidentabilidad
2.3 technical Criteria and legal of reference
2.4 Risks in the manipulation in installations of High Tension
2.5 Systems and half of protection
2.6 R.D. 614/2001 On protection of the workers front to the electrical risks.

I MODULATE 3 - Teams of work
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Rule
3.3 Risks
3.4 Measures of security
3.5 Prevention intrínseca
3.6 Resguardos and devices of security
3.7 preventive Measures to take by part of the user
3.8 Tools of hand

MODULATE 4 - Investigation of accidents
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Rule
4.3 Risks
4.4 Measures of security
4.5 Prevention intrínseca
4.6 Resguardos and devices of security
4.7 preventive Measures to take by part of the user
4.8 Tools of hand

MODULATE 5 - Installations of air comprimido
5.1 Introduction
5.2 basic Concepts on mechanical of fluídos
5.3 Compresores
5.4 Teams used in the generation of air comprimido
5.5 Risks in teams used in the generation of air comprimido
5.6 Elements of security and preventive measures
5.7 Inspections and preventive maintenance
5.8 Training and information to the workers
5.9 Proofs, inspections and elements of security prescribed in the Spanish legislation.

I MODULATE 6 - Works in altura.
6.1 Object
6.2 preventive Principles
6.3 Accidentabilidad
6.4 Phase of a fall of altura
6.5 basic Principles
6.6 Types and characteristic of the EPIs
6.7 Lines of horizontal life
6.8 basic Rules for works in altura
6.9 Other appearances to consider
6.10 Conclusions

MODULATE 7 - Places of work
7.1 Introduction
7.2 R.D. 468/97 On places of work

MODULATE 8 - Risks in the activity of metallic carpentry
8.1 Introduction
8.2 legal Criteria and technical of reference
8.3 Rights and obligations of the workers
8.4 Places of work
8.5 Señalización of security
8.6 Tools
8.7 electrical Risk
8.8 Soldadura
8.9 Machines
8.10 transitory Diet of the machines
8.11 Types of machines used in the sector of the metal
8.12 Machines of mechanized by start of viruta
8.13 Machines of mechanized deformación plastic
8.14 Use of chemical products
8.15 Exhibition to noise and radiations no ionizantes
8.16 elevación and manual transport of loads

MODULATE 9 - Manutención mechanical of material.
9.1 Introduction
9.2 legal Appearances
9.3 Teams to raise loads and/or people
9.4 Montacargas. Risks and preventive measures
9.5 Platforms elevadoras. Risks and preventive measures
9.6 Teams of elevación and transport
9.7 Carretillas elevadoras
9.8 Introduction
9.9 Risks and preventive averages
9.10 Platforms to work in altura
9.11 Transpaletas, Risks and measures of prevention

MODULATE 10 - Soldadura
10.1 Introduction
10.2 Types of soldadura
10.3 Risks
10.4 preventive Measures

MODULATE 11 - Spaces confined
11.1 Introduction
11.2 Types of spaces confined
11.3 Risks
11.4 preventive Averages

MODULATE 12 - Security vial
12.1 Generalities
12.2 Factors that take part in the security vial
12.3 active Security and passive
12.4 The vehicle and the road

MODULATE 13 - Risks in the activity of Hostelería
13.1 Risks
13.2 preventive Averages

MODULATE 14 - Risks in the activity of manufacture of muebles of wood
14.1 Risks
14.2 preventive Measures

MODULATE 15 - Risks in the activity of Agriculture
15.1 Risks
15.2 preventive Measures

MODULATE 16 - Risks in the activity of Textile and footwear
16.1 Risks
16.2 preventive Measures

MODULATE 17 - Risks in the activity of Offices and dispatches
17.1 Risks
17.2 preventive Measures

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Otros datos del Curso:

El curso Speciality of Security in the Work (PRL) está en nuestro Buscador de Cursos y Masters desde el 04/08/2008.

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