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Master in Marketing Management (English)

Precio A consultar - Masters y Postgrados, Presencial de 225 horas
Justificación/Descripción del curso:

Sedes de realización del curso: Barcelona

INICIO: 20/10/14
FIN: 20/07/15
HORARIO: Lunes y Miércoles de 19:00 a 22:00 // Sábados de 9:00 a 14:00
PRECIO: 5100 (1200 + 3900)


The methodology is based on active learning and ongoing practice. Effective and beneficial training comes as a direct result of being actively involved in the course.
All members of the teaching staff are all leading professionals in their chosen field.

Objetivos Master Marketing Management (English)

To provide the student the best tools, knowledge and abilities in order to succeed at an executive level in marketing management.
To show you how to make beneficial decisions for your company on an international level through an accurate analysis of the global market, strategic planning, market segmentation, as well as budget management.
To effectively teach you the ethical principles required of an executive in this field.

Requisitos de acceso al curso:

No descritos.

Temario cubierto por el curso:

Temario Master Marketing Management (English)
The Marketing Management in the company: organization.
Product Manager: policies design and implementation and Marketing Plan.
Products Strategy and Brand Positioning: globalization and decision making. Competitive Analysis.
Sales Forecasts: -Forenet- (System Specialized in Business Forecasts) Evaluation of the Innovative Products demand. Market Research.
Product quality, logistics and distribution.
Trade Fairs, Conventions and Congresses.
Customer Marketing: techniques to attract more customers and Customer Loyalty. Possible scenarios to enter the market.
Marketing in Industrial Companies and Service Companies.
Optimization of product margins. Price Policy.
Determining Global Commercial Budgets. Profits Maximization.
Strategic External Analysis: new markets, control of new distribution channels.
Analysis of the Consumer´s Behaviour.
Technological Innovation applied to Marketing.
Branding: managing the brand value. Strategy of brand portfolio.
Markets internationalization and globalization.
Application of Marketing 2.0 in the company.
Social Responsibility Marketing: strategies.
Balance Scorecard: strategies design for the business management.
Final Project: Strategic Business Plan.

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Otros datos del Curso:

El curso Master in Marketing Management (English) está en nuestro Buscador de Cursos y Masters desde el 15/04/2011.

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