Analysis of Cycle of Life (ACV) in the Company
145 € -
Cursos de especialización,
OnLine de 40 horas - Titulación Emitida por el centro - Promoción: Facilidades de pago
The competition between the companies of any sector in the economy is increasingly strong. The minimisation of costs is in the actuality a need, no an option, and inside them, the environmental costs (use of energy, material and water) purchase a notable paper from the countable point of view and of strategy of company.
In this course pretend put of self-evident said environmental costs posing alternatives of solution, presenting a versatile and useful tool to detect the points ineficientes in the companies: the Analysis of Cycle of Life (ACV), that allows besides value if the improvement of a process does not cause detrimento of another, that is to say, detects if when improving something are worsening another thing.
The ACV is a tool of management that helps to propose an environmental strategy in accordance with each line of business with the purpose to generate value for the company diminishing the costs associated to the energetic consumptions and of material. Treat therefore of a tool of business management.
The aim of this course is to give to know to the companies this tool and encourage to his utilisation presenting his advantages through practical examples of application.
The depth that can achieve a study of ACV is distinct if you treat of a scientific analysis or of the research of ineficiencia in a company for the possible implantation of improvements. In this last case, an analysis somero suffice to detect problems and pose solutions. It is not necessary therefore be a big expert in the matter to take out provecho of the same.
The course structure in an introduction in where puts of self-evident the problematic energetic current in Spain, as well as the environmental effects associated. Next, in the Didactic Unit 2 pose solutions from the point of view of the product, from the design until the function that exerts for the consumer, and explain the technicians that can implement a company to save energy and material, diminishing the economic costs associated.
The ecoetiquetado, the economy of the services, the systems of environmental management, far to be a cost for the companies are opportunities of business that does not be necessary to leave happen.
In the Didactic Unit 3 describe with detail the methodology of the Analysis of Cycle of Life to expose later in the Didactic Unit 4 examples of how do it and which results can obtain.
Besides, will explain how interpret the results in function of the aims of the study, in such a way that we know to extract the information that interest us in each moment.
Have avoided , inside the possible, the tecnicismos and deepen in specific subjects for no desvirtuar the final aim of the course, that is not another that encourage to the small and medium enterprises to use this tool in own profit and of the environment in general.
There are not specific requirements
This course goes headed to professional and managerial interested in the Area of Environment, Development Ruarl and Cooperation
2.1. Introduction: definition of ecoefiencia
2.2. Technicians to achieve the ecoeficiencia
2.2.1. The systems of environmental management
2.2.2. The analysis of cycle of life (ACV)
2.2.3. The ecodiseño
2.2.4. The economy of the services
2.2.5. The reverse logistics
2.2.6. The industrial ecology
2.3. Indicators of ecoeficiencia
2.3.1. Ecoindicadores
2.3.2. The ecological footprint
2.3.3. The ecological rucksack
2.3.4. The echo-brújula
3.1. Introduction
3.2. Definition and phases of an analysis of cycle of life
3.3. Methodology of the analysis of cycle of life
3.3.1. Definition of aims and scope
3.3.2. Analysis of inventory of cycle of life (ICV)
3.3.3. Evaluation of impact of the cycle of life (EICV)
3.3.4. Interpretation of results
3.3.5. Elaboración Of the final report
3.3.6. Critical review
3.4. Limitations of the analysis of cycle of life
3.5. Computer tools for the analysis of cycle of life
3.6. Databases for the analysis of cycle of life
3.6.1. BUWAL 250
3.6.2. It DATES FILE
3.6.3. ETH-ESU
3.6.4. IDEMAT
3.6.8. IVAM
3.7. Methods of evaluation of impacts for the analysis of cycle of life
3.7.1. Ecoindicador 95
3.7.2. Ecoindicador 99
3.7.3. CML 1992
3.7.4. CML 2 baseline 2000
3.7.5. Ecopuntos 97
3.7.6. EDIP/UMIP 96
3.7.7. EPS 2000
4.1. Definition of aims and scope
4.1.1. Definition of aims
4.1.2. Scope
4.1.3. Requirements of quality of the data
4.1.4. Hypothesis posed and limitations
4.2. Analysis of inventory
4.2.1. Phase 1: crop and recolección of the life
4.2.2. Phase 2: process of elaboración of the wine in cellar
4.2.3. Phase 3: transport
4.2.4. Phase 4: final disposal of the bottle
4.3. Evaluation of impacts of the cycle of life
4.3.1. Classification
4.3.2. Characterisation
4.3.3. Normalisation and ponderación
4.4. Interpretation of results
4.4.1. Alternative stages
4.4.2. Final result
4.4.3. Final conclusions
4.5. Other examples of analysis of cycle of life
ANNEX 1. Diagrams of process for the production of the wine
ANNEX 2. General data
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