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Course of Technician in Management of Quality

Precio 695 € - Cursos de especialización, OnLine de 292 horas - Titulación Emitida por el centro - Promoción: Facilidades de pago
Curso de Técnico en Sistemas de Gestión de Calidad Curso de Técnico en Xestión de Calidade Curs de Tècnic en Gestió de Qualitat Curso de Técnico em Gestão de Qualidade   Course of Technician in Management of Quality   Cours de Technicien en Gestion de Qualité
Justificación/Descripción del curso:

It is directed to professional of the business management as well as to any person that wish to have a deep knowledge of the Systems of Management of the Quality with the main recognition and international prestige and with a high demand of the companies of professional formed in these areas.

ACEDIS Training launches this Upper Course in Systems of Management of the Quality putting near at hand of the student the Methodology ACEDIS and all his experience in training of authentic professional, after having taken part in the training of more than 2.000 specialists and professional fundamentally of the sectors of the Prevention, Management of Quality and Half Ambiente, that so good results has reflected along our history like Centre of on-line training.

To the finalizar the course, the student will be capacitado stop:

Hold responsible of the design, implantation and maintenance of the System of Quality in the company as well as to act of external aide and encaminar to the fulfillment of the norms ISO to obtain the timely certifications.
Deepen in the management of the quality in the companies encaminándola to the excellence through the Model EFQM of Business Excellence.
Realize internal Audits of Quality that avalen the fulfillment of the norms Corresponding ISO

The course will be tutorizado and monitorizado in all moment by our consultores specialists, having the different student channels of communication with the same through forums of query, and-mail, private messages and Channels of Talk in real time (Chats)

Besides the student will realize different test of autoevaluación along the course, being able to realize them times estimate timely and obtaining the correction immediately in the screen of his computer, these exercises will serve of preparation for the final examination that will follow the same system.

To the finalizar each Module of the temario the consultores of the course will organize a talk in real time (voluntary for the students) as if of a kind presencial treated , in which the students will be able to take part freely and enriquecer the knowledges purchased in the Module when integrating in the different threads of conversation that go producing (this complement will facilitate to the student that wish to take part the understanding of the subject and enriquecerá the learning, when seeing that doubts arise between other mates and can complement them with the own, substituting to a large extent the absence of kinds presenciales)

Requisitos de acceso al curso:

It does not have requirements

Temario cubierto por el curso:

MODULE 1 - Introduction to the Quality

1.1. From the start of the Quality
1.2. Sensitization to the Quality

MODULE 2 - Systems of management of Quality according to ISO 9001:2008

2.1. General requirements
2.2. Requirements of the documentation
2.3. Responsibilities of the Direction
2.4. Management of Resources
2.5. Control of the Production or the Provision of the Service
2.6. Design
2.7. Calibración
2.8. Follow-up, analysis and improvement
2.9. Internal audits

MODULE 3 - Tools of Improvement Contínua

3.1. The satisfaction of the client
3.2. The improvement contínua
3.3. The 7 tools for the improvement contínua
3.4. Modal analysis of failures and effects
3.5. The 7 new tools for the improvement contínua
3.6. Statistical technicians of control of processes

MODULE 4 - To the Business Excellence

4.1. Fundamentos
4.2. Culture of the change
4.3. The management by processes
4.4. The strategic planning
4.5. Leadership
4.6. Work in team and Direction of meetings.
4.7. The 5S
4.8. Training
4.9. Benchmarking
4.10. Empowerment
4.11. The 6 Sigma
4.12. Costs of Quality

MODULE 5 - The management of the Business Excellence

5.1. Introduction to the model EFQM
5.2. The criteria agents
5.3. The criteria resulted
5.4. REVER
5.5. Autoevaluación As EFQM
5.6. Walking to EFQM

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Otros datos del Curso:

El curso Course of Technician in Management of Quality está en nuestro Buscador de Cursos y Masters desde el 14/11/2011.

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