Management of Companies in Crisis
235 € -
Cursos de especialización,
OnLine de 57 horas - Titulación Emitida por el centro - Promoción: Facilidades de pago
The first step to save your business is to realise this course.
How save my business is a practical course and innovative writing in an easy style to read and ameno, headed to the small employers, emprendedores and any professional interested in knowing the tools for
restructure a company in crisis.
The author of the course, expert in business restructurings, fusions and acquisitions and right concursal, has written developed this course that will help you to take the suitable decisions during the different phases that become in the situation of crisis of a company.
In definite, is an indispensable course to learn the methods and destined strategies to solve the operative and financial problems of your business.
With this course can identify , of simple way, the steps to follow for sanear a company in crisis, or give exit of orderly way to the companies that are not viable.
The course splits of the observation and the analysis of the current business surroundings, as well as of the experience of professional that have had to surpass a lot of unforeseen and committed errors that could have avoided if it had applied tools of management that desconocían or because they refused in favour of the illusion and motivation to create a company.
Is thus, that along the course recommend to the employer that potencie his training and profesionalización in the management, direction, control and business leadership. If to these attributes added them the restlessness and win them to learn that they characterise to the emprendedor, will be able to prevenir the crises with more efficiency.
The aim of the course is to learn and sintetizar the reasons of the business failure and contribute the possible solutions in front of a economic cycle of recession.
During the training the student will purchase tools of supervision and improvement to optimise the performance of the processes of management, detect possible causes of a failure and therefore have the maximum control of the company.
The course of management of companies in crisis develop in didactic units with exercises of autoevaluación in each one of them and a suspuesto practical to resolve by the student so that it guarantees a practical approach of the same so that once finalizado the student know to apply the learnt in his company guaranteeing his feasibility or orderly closing that avoid main evils and resposabilidad of the administrator or generation of unnecessary debts.
Once finalizado the course the student will know:
- Realise a diagnostic of the situation of a company
- Recognise the situation of business crisis
- Take consciousness of the situation of the company and recognise his feasibility or no feasibility
- Face the business restructuring necessary
- Prepare and negotiate in necessary case the contest of creditors so that it will guarantee to go out of the best possible unemployed person of the situation
There are not specific requirements for this course.
1. Initiation to the restructuring of companies in crisis
1.1. Definition of company in crisis
1.2. Difference between a company in crisis and an insolvent company
2. Causes of the current Spanish crisis
3. Current situation of the Spanish economy
4. Structural transition or change of economic model?
5. Operative diagram: guide of performance of How save my business
1. Introduction
1.1. First symptoms of a company in crisis
1.2. Plan of urgency
2. How diagnose the situation of crisis of the company?
2.1. What is the diagnostic of a company?
2.2. Steps to follow for the diagnostic of your company
3. Leaf of route to follow
3.1. Dissolution and liquidación orderly
3.2. Process of refinance and restructuring
3.3. Contest of creditors
3.4. Sale of the company
1. How realise a process of restructuring?
1.1. Concept of business restructuring
1.2. Aim
2. Guide for confeccionar a plan of feasibility
2.1. What is a plan of feasibility?
2.2. Axes of the plan of feasibility
2.3. Capacity of the administrators or contratación of experts
2.4. Review of the plan of business
2.5. How realise the economic forecasts
2.5.1. Projections of the account of losses and gains.
2.5.2. Balance of situation
2.6. Plan of tesorería. Actions to generate Box
2.7. Plan of reduction of costs. Labour restructuring
2.8. New financial structure
2.9. Memorandum
2.10. How negotiate with banks? Diez councils to negotiate with them
2.11. Errors to avoid in a plan of feasibility
1. Introduction
1.1. What is the article 5.3 of the Law Concursal?
1.2. When we present the application of start of negotiations with the creditors of the article 5.3 LC?
2. Requirements for a refinance according to additional disposal fourth of the Law Concursal
1. How schedule a contest of creditors? Position of the employer in front of the contest of creditors
2. Collaboration with the administration concursal
3. Sale of the company in contest
3.1. Liquidación Anticipated
3.2. Acquisitions of companies in contest
4. How go out successfully of a contest of creditors?
4.1. Proposal anticipated of agreement
4.2. Agreement of ordinary creditors
5. Qualification of the contest. Responsibility of the employer
5.1. The ten mandamientos of an employer in contest
5.2. Recommendations to avoid the guilty qualification in a corcurso
Annex 1. Practical guide for confeccionar a plan of feasibility
Annex 2. Writing of communication of the start of negotiations in front of the mercantile court. Article 5.3 Law Concursal
Annex 3. Demand of contest of creditors
Annex 4. Memory, relation of creditors and inventory of goods and right for contest of creditors
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- Cursos y Masters » Economía/Empresa » Administrativo y Secretariado
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El curso Management of Companies in Crisis está en nuestro Buscador de Cursos y Masters desde el 14/11/2011.
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