Speciality in Ergonomía and Psicosociología Applied (PRL)
300 € -
Cursos de especialización,
OnLine de 68 horas - Titulación Emitida por el centro - Promoción: Facilidades de pago
This course is HOMOLOGADO by the XUNTA OF GALICIA and is OFFICIAL and VALID to exert like Technician of Prevention in all SPAIN.
You can check it pressing in this link
Examinations in Lugo, Gijón, Bilbao, Barcelona, Madrid, Valencia, Sevilla and Tenerife.
Using our Platform of Training On-Line have prepared successfully in the two last years more of 500 Technicians of Prevention of all Spain, obtaining a percentage of approved upper to 99%
The Law of Prevention of Labour Risks, Law 31/1995 of 8 of November, establishes in his exhibition of reasons that "the purpose of fomentar an authentic preventive culture, by means of the promotion of the improvement of the education in said subject in all the educative levels, involucra to the society in his group and constitutes one of the basic aims and of effects perhaps more transcendentes for the future of the pursued by the present Law".
By his part, the Reglamento of the services of Prevention, regulates the capacities or necessary aptitudes for the development of the preventive activity, like this like the minimum training exigible for the development of the preventive activity, like this like the minimum training exigible for the exert of said functions that classify in basic level, intermediate and upper in prevention of labour risks.
The strong social demand that exists of Technicians sure enough prepared in this subject does necessary the realization of diverse courses in all the national field. By another part in front of the new open possibilities by the technologies of the information has opened a fan of methods of education colaborativa that allow a main aprovechamiento of the training and the generalización of the same.
Derived of all this arise also the specialities in Prevention of Risks, since it has suited to establish different fields of specialization, being 4 in the actuality: Security in the Work, Industrial Hygiene, Ergonomía and Psicosociología Applied and Medicine of the Work.
This speciality of Ergonomía and Psicosociología Applied is orientada to the most related risks with the Ergonomía of the place of work such as ergonomía in the offices, maquinas, ... And the Psicosociología Applied regarding the factors of risk derived of the psychology as they can be the "stress", the syndrome of the "burn out", the "mobbing", and many other trastornos and factors that influence in the situation psicosociológica of the worker increased the risks of labour accident.
If you have cursado with ACEDIS Training the Master complete, will have a discount of 20% in this speciality.
Be in possession of the Title of Upper Technician in Prevention of Labour Risks
MODULATE 1 - Methodology. Introduction to the ergonomía
1.1 Antecedents and definitions of the ergonomía
1.2 The industrial civilization
1.3 The user
1.4 Analyses of user
1.5 The ergonomía in the project
1.6 Functions of the man and of the machine
1.7 Relations in the system man-machine
1.8 Methodology of intervention in ergonomía
1.9 Technicians of collected of data
1.10 preventive Action of the ergonomía
1.11 Resolution of cases
MODULATE 2 - Ergonomía of the position and the effort
2.1 Antropometría: study antropométrico
2.2 Technicians of measurement
2.3 Antropometría dynamic
2.4 Principles of the design antropométrico
2.5 Biomecánica: system musculoesquelético
2.6 Ergonomía of the position and the effort
2.7 The man and the effort
2.8 vertebral Column
2.9 Principles of the physical vectorial and his relation with the biomecánica
2.10 Calculation of external strengths
2.11 Systems of equations
2.12 Application of the antropometría and of the biomecánica to the design of places of work (individual, grupal and poblacional)
2.13 Resolution of cases
MODULATE 3 - energetic Expense and capacity. Physical work.
3.1 Activity and energetic consumption
3.2 Determination of energetic expense of the activities
3.3 Capacity of physical work
3.4 Definition and causes of the injuries by movements repetitivos
3.5 Injuries of upper extremities and vertebral column produced by movements repetitivos
3.6 Development and evaluation of a method of analysis of places destinados to the prevention of trastornos musculoesqueléticos tied to the work repetitivo.
3.7 practical Work: study ergonómico of an industrial process and the problematic of trastornos musculoesqueléticos.
3.8 Resolution of cases
MODULATE 4 - Ergonomía environmental I
4.1 Physiology of the visual system
4.2 System termorregulador
MODULATE 5 - Ergonomía environmental II
5.1 Planteamiento of practical problems that aborden the subjects of iluminación, ambiente audible and thermal stress
5.2 Evaluation and control of confort thermal
5.3 Designs-rediseños integral of places of work
MODULATE 6 - Psychology ergonómica
6.1 psychological Factors conditionings of the labour behaviour
6.2 Analyses of the task, activity, performance
6.3 Takes of information
6.4 Takes of decisions
6.5 mental Load
6.6 Stress
6.7 Efficiency, eficiencia and error
6.8 Work of night, rhythms circadiano and regulación of the activity
6.9 Factors psicosociales conditionings of the efficiency and of the labour satisfaction
6.10 Motivation
6.11 Satisfaction and quality of labour life
6.12 Communication
6.13 Autonomy
6.14 Responsibility
6.15 Roles
6.16 Leadership
6.17Work grupal
6.18 Resolution of cases
MODULATE 7 - Ergonomía and organization of the work
7.1 Study of the work, historical and conceptual vision
7.2 Taylorismo and Antitaylorismo
7.3 New forms in the organization of the work
7.4 Perspectives of future
7.5 global Methods of evaluation of the conditions of work: Lest,, Cheklist, "ad hoc".
7.6 mental Activity and appearances psicosociales of the work
7.7 Enrichment of tasks
7.8 Rotation of tasks
7.9 Change of tasks
7.10 Teams semiautónomos of work.
7.11 Ergonomía temporal. Objective and subjective assessment of the activities
7.12 Resolution of cases
7.13 Analyses of a place of work in a company
MODULATE 8 - Design and rediseño of places of work and manual tools
8.1 Introduction Norma ISO 6385
8.2 Conception of the place of work
8.3 basic Requests
8.4 Planes and volumes of work
8.5 Displays and controls: selection and emplazamiento
8.6 Means of señalización visual
8.7 Pupitres and pictures of controls
8.8 Rediseño ergonómico of places of work
8.9 manual Tools. Analysis of use
8.10 Design of criterion and selection
8.11 Exigencias ergonómicas
8.12 Operative Review of Design Ergonómico (RODE).
8.13 Resolution of cases.
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