Technical course of Calculation, Design and Simulation of Thermoelectric Solar Plants
750 € -
Cursos de especialización,
OnLine de 169 horas - Titulación Emitida por el centro - Promoción: Facilidades de pago
Almost with total certainty, could affirm that the Thermoelectric Solar Energy (also known like Energy Termosolar or Solar Energy of Concentration), is up to now the less known of between the three current forms to take advantage of the energy of the Sun. In effect, the thermal solar energy and photovoltaic have had fortunately a formidable expansion in the last years, and already are integral part of our daily life: production of ACS, support to heating, climatización of swimming pools, generation of electricity for own consumption or sale to the network... They are a sample of the profits obtained with these applications. However, it exists a third technological slope, that allows the generation of electricity in plants of big power, equiparable to head offices of production of conventional energy, but with the environmental profits of the renewable energies .
Being conscious of the complexity that can involve the purchase separately knowledges of some technologies, in ACEDIS have realised an important effort of synthesis for confeccionar an essentially descriptive course, rigorous and to the same accessible time for all, that was able of englobar the foundations of the Thermoelectric Solar Energy with an educational methodology of easy assimilation.
Of this way, us enorgullecemos to offer to our alumnado a practically pioneering work in Spain, with which pursued to facilitate to the maximum the understanding and diffusion of this technology. Therefore, to way of summary, could affirm that with this course has not pretended develop a program of high theoretical level for people with deep previous studies, but more well impartir a course from the basic levels to go purchasing progressively solid knowledges of base that allow to the professional future of the sector:
- Know with rigour the physical principles of operation of each one of the technologies linked to the Energy Termosolar.
- Have of information at first hand on the solutions developed until the date, studying real emblematic projects, as well as of the future lines of investigation and development in which is working .
- Access to the legislation of application for this type of installations of big power, foresee his possible future evolution and analyse his study and execution from the perspective of the prevention of labour risks.
- Assimilate the unambiguous economic advantages and environmental of this renewable source of energy.
- Have of additional computer resources that allow to facilitate the necessary calculations for the dimensioning of plants termosolares.
- Learn the criteria and methods that apply for the installation and maintenance of this type of energetic plants.
- Capacitar To the student, of complete and rigorous way, for confeccionar a project of engineering on energy termosolar, covering all and each one of his phases.
From the professional point of view, the future that him augura to the Thermoelectric Solar Energy is inmejorable: no in vain, they exist in our country several tens of head offices of power of this índole that are already built, in phase of building or projected for the next years.
Have some solid and specific knowledges on the Thermoelectric Solar Energy can be a key factor for a future labour incorporation to this new niche of employment.
The Temario is structured in Modules and these to his time in Didactic Units, and the student will have of him at all times in three formats:
Course headed to Technical and Upper Engineers; to titled of F.P. Of technical branches like Electricity, Electronic or Automation; intermediate controls and managers of companies linked to the sector of the energy; and of generic form, to all that that wish to enter professionally in the sector of the Thermoelectric Solar Energy.
Unit 01.- Introduction.
1.1 Problematic environmental and paper of the renewable energies
1.2 Types of aprovechamiento of the solar energy
1.3 History and current situation of the solar energy in Spain
1.4 Energetic and solar geometry
1.5 direct Radiation and diffuse: devices of measure
1.6 The solar belt
Unit 02.- Systems termosolares of concentration:
2.1 thermodynamic Foundation of the thermoelectric solar energy
2.2 thermodynamic Cycles applied to thermoelectric solar energy
2.3 Plants of conventional thermoelectric energy
2.4 Technologies termosolares: drop, average and high temperature
2.5 Factor of concentration of the solar radiation
2.6 Conical and quadric remarkable: geometrical properties
2.7 Concentrators cylinder-parabolic, linear lens of 2.8 Fresnel, captadores of disk and of central tower
2.9 Chimeneas solar
Unit 03.- Helióstatos: System of follow-up:
3.1 Orientation and inclination of the captadores thermoelectric
3.2 Foundations of the solar follow-up
3.3 Follow-up in manifolds cylinder-parabolic
3.4 Follow-up in parabolic disks and in head offices of tower
Unit 04.- Fluent caloportador of work:
4.1 thermal Characteristics of the fluent caloportador
4.2 Fluids used in the actuality
Unit 05.- Storage and hybridisation of power
5.1 Characteristics and advantages of the thermal storage
5.2 Typologies of thermal storage
5.3 Hybridisation of installations termosolares with other technologies
Unit 06.- Conversion of electrical power and auxiliary systems
6.1 Drivings, isolations and groups of impulsión
6.2 Compressors, soplantes and turbines
6.3 Valvulería industrial
6.4 Exchangers of heat
6.5 electrical Conversion: generator
6.6 Regulation, control and monitoring of systems termosolares
Unit 07.- Economic appearances-financial of the solar thermoelectric:
7.1 Distribution of current costs and perspectives of growth
7.2 Comparison of technologies
7.3 Positioning in the Spanish electrical market
Unit 08.- Future lines of I+D solar thermoelectric
8.1 Optimisation of technologies and minoración of costs
8.2 direct Generation of steam
8.3 Improvement of the algorithms of control: fuzzy logic
8.4 Analyses exergético
8.5 additional Applications: production of hydrogen
Normative ANNEX and legislation of application
- Diet of special production: RD 661/2007
- Plan of Renewable Energies: PER 2005-2010
Unit 01.- Basic criteria of design of plants termosolares
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Size of functional units and location selected
1.3 conceptual Design: systems and elements
1.4 Comparative thermoelectric solar energy vs photovoltaic
1.5 industrial Reality and historical opportunity for Spain
Unit 02.- Emblematic projects in energy termosolar
2.1 Plants SEGS
2.2 Solar Platform of Almería
2.3 Solar Nevada One
2.4 Andasol-1
2.5 Alvarado-1
2.6 Ibersol Puertollano
2.7 Gemasolar
2.8 Wrong Port-2
2.9 Desertec
Unit 03.- Thermodynamic analysis of plants termosolares
3.1 thermal Machines
3.2 Surface of state and thermodynamic diagrams
3.3 Fluids condensables and diagrams of Izart and Mollier
3.4 Cycle of Carnot
3.5 Cycle of Rankine
3.6 Cycles regenerativos
3.7 Equations of balance: particularización for processes estacionarios
3.8 additional Expressions for the study of the cycle of Rankine
3.9 Cycle Stirling of simple and double effect
3.10 Cycle Brayton
3.11 Performance and losses
Unit 04.- Analysis fluídico of plants termosolares
4.1 Flow laminar and turbulent in circular pipes: ddiagrama of Moody
4.2 Flow laminar in pipes no circular
4.3 Flow in sections no circular: losses of load in singularities
4.4 centrifugal Bombs: triangles of speeds, heights and pair engine
4.5 general Equation of the centrifugal bombs and characteristic curve
4.6 Variation of the characteristic curves: characteristic surface and hill of performances
4.7 Point of operation of a bomb and zones of unsteadiness
4.8 Powers and performances of the centrifugal bombs
4.9 Cavitación and notable heights of centrifugal bombs
4.10 Acoplamiento in series and parallel of centrifugal bombs
Unit 05.- Study of electrical systems
5.1 Data of game and conditions of general design
5.2 System of electrical generation, centre of strength and of control
5.3 Engines
5.4 essential Services
5.5 Wires, canalisations and put to earth
5.6 Alumbrado, take of current and electrical protections
5.7 Engines of solar supporters
Unit 06.- Mechanical calculation
6.1 Materials of building: concretes, mortars and steels
6.2 Types of solicitaciones
6.3 Calculation of efforts and structural deformations
6.4 Cimentación of the tanks of storage
6.5 Cimentación of the exchangers of heat
Unit 07.- Parts constitutivas of the project of engineering
7.1 Need and importance of the project: calculation and previous design
7.2 Definition
7.3 Anteproyecto
7.4 descriptive Memory, calculations justificativos, temporary planning of the project and study of environmental impact
7.5 Planes of basic engineering and of detail
7.6 Fold of conditions
7.7 Budget
7.8 Study of economic feasibility-financial
Unit 08.- Study of security and health
8.1 Introduction
8.2 Aims and scope of the study
8.3 general Data of prevention
8.4 Data of the work
8.5 Norms of security during the realisation of works
8.6 Analyses and evaluation of risks
Unit 09.- Computer tools of calculation, design and simulation
9.1 Introduction
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