Máster en Dirección Internacional de Proyectos Industriales
15000 € -
Masters y Postgrados,
Presencial de 600 horas - Titulación Propia de la Universidad - Bolsa de empleo Propia del centro - Promoción: Beca - Prácticas: Remuneradas
Sedes de realización del curso: Madrid
The Comillas Pontical University and Gestamp offers this innovative master in international project management in the automotive industry, combining academic excellence with industrial and internationalization experience.
The Master in International Industrial Project Management offers this postgraduate programme focus on:
5 months of education and training in Comillas, internationally renowned for its academic degrees and research fields in engineering and business.
4 months in real project management work experience at Gestamp´s plants worldwide.
Financial aid for students who stand out due to their achievements.
The chance to join Gestamp as a project leader to students with the highest potential.
The automobile sector is one of the basic pillars of growth in modern economies, and plays a key role in the process of industrialization as it demands supplies and services from a great number of industrial sectors. Its constant innovation and competitiveness has made it especially attractive for new generations of graduates.
From a technological point of view the automobile industry is one of the most advanced in regards to the application of technologies and production procedures resulting in increased productivity and cost reduction, majorly contributing to the competitiveness of companies in the sector.
Being one of the most globalized markets in the economy, the automotive industry´s projects need to be developed on an international scale, requiring integrated management that combines all the aspects of technology and production, as well as business management, strategy and human resources.
The University Pontificia Comillas and Gestamp are offering this Master in order to respond to the need of developing professionals who are exposed to international project management in the automotive sector.
Recent graduates in Engineering, Administration and Business Management, as well as graduates of other university degrees with the determination to build a professional career in international project management.
The candidates of the Master in International Industrial Project Management should be dynamic, open-minded people with the desire to start and develop an international professional career. We place value on academic excellence, professional and personal experience, languages, communication skills and the ability to work in a team.
Due to its international profile, the Masters will be held in English.
October 20th 2014
Once the documents required for the admission are received you will be contacted by the admissions staff to confirm your condition as member of the Master.
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El curso Máster en Dirección Internacional de Proyectos Industriales está en nuestro Buscador de Cursos y Masters desde el 01/07/2014.
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