Course of Manipulador of Foods
40 € -
Cursos de especialización,
OnLine de 20 horas - Titulación Emitida por el centro - Promoción: Facilidades de pago
This course is headed to all that person that by labour questions manipulate foods and by consiguente was forced to have surpassed the training of manipulador of foods.
The increasing exigencia of the rules and the increase of the demand of foods of main alimentary quality by part of the consumers, does necessary that the professional and industrious that develop his work like Manipuladores of Foods, have knowledges of alimentary hygiene that allow them know the most correct form to realise his work contributing like this to increase the alimentary security.
With this base have been regulated the minimum appearances of training that have to handle in this field of the manipulation of foods and have established the minimum measures of training that has to purchase all person that manipulate destined products to the alimentación human to guarantee our own alimentary security.
The 19 of February of 2010 has published in the B.Or.And. The Real derogation Decree 109/2010 of 5 of February that derogates the Real Decree 202/2000, with this normative modification, deletes the obligation of previous administrative permission for the courses of manipulador of foods but keeps the obligation of said training and moves the responsibility in matter of training from the competent administrations to the operators of alimentary companies, that will have to accredit, in the visits of official control, that the manipuladores of the companies have been properly formed in the works encomendadas, with what this course is perfectly valid to fulfil with the legal requirement of training.
I MODULATE UNICO - Qualification for manipulador of foods.
1. Risks for the Health Derived of the Consumption of foods
2. Alteration and Pollution of the Foods
3. Storage and Transport
4. Main methods of Conservation of Foods
5. Cleaning and Disinfection - Plans L+D. Control of Pests
6. I handle of Waste
7. Packaging of Foods
8. Guides of Correct Practices of Hygiene
9. Attitudes and Hygienic Habits of the Manipuladores of Foods
10. Compulsory information and Labelled that they Have to Carry the Foods
11. The Responsibility of the Company regarding the Prevention
12. Hygienic quality-Sanitary. Concept and Current Approach
13. Manipulador Of specific Foods for the Place of Work Developed
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El curso Course of Manipulador of Foods está en nuestro Buscador de Cursos y Masters desde el 14/11/2011.
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